Figure 2.
Knocking out HIF-1α does not show an effect on the leukemogenesis of CLL cells in the murine Eµ-TCL1 model. (A) Scheme of the breeding strategy to generate Eµ-TCL1 CD19Cre/WT Hif1afl/fl (cKO). (B–D) Validation of the knock-out of exon 2 of Hif1a in isolated B cells from cKO mice incubated with CoCl2 at the DNA (B), RNA (C), and protein (D) levels compared to control mice (n = 3). ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001. (E) Survival curve of cKO compared to control mice shows no significant difference. (F–G) Flow cytometry analysis of CLL cells (CD19+ CD5+) in the peripheral blood (PB) of cKO and control mice over time (Ctrl: n = 45, cKO: n = 39) (F) and at month 8 (Ctrl: n = 42, cKO: n = 35) (G). (H–I) CLL cells from cKO and control mice (n = 3) were subjected to RNA sequencing. (H) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering showing the top 10,000 most expressed genes. (I) Volcano plot showing DEG between cKO and control mice. (J) CLL development of the adoptive transfer of Eµ-TCL1 CLL cells in CD19Cre/WT Hif1afl/fl mice (Ctrl: n = 5, cKO: n = 6).