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. 2021 Aug 24;9(9):1091. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9091091

Table 2.

Sleep Quality among University Students as Assessed by the PSQI-V (N = 369).

n %
Sleep quality (PSQI-V) 5.7 ± 2.8 (0–16)
  Good sleep (PSQI-V ≤ 5) 189 51.2
  Poor sleep (PSQI-V > 5) 180 48.8
Subjective sleep quality
  Very good 61 16.5
  Fairly good 239 64.8
  Fairly bad 67 18.2
  Very bad 2 0.5
Sleep latency
  <15 min 215 58.3
  16–30 min 95 25.7
  31–60 min 36 9.8
  >60 min 23 6.2
Sleep disturbance a
  Unable to fall asleep within 30 min 65 17.6
  Waking up in the middle of the night or early in the morning 35 9.5
  Having to get up to use the bathroom 27 7.3
  Unable to breath comfortably 10 2.7
  Coughing or snore loudly 14 3.8
  Feeling too cold 28 7.6
  Feeling too hot 18 4.9
  Having bad dreams 17 4.6
  Experiencing pain 13 3.5
  Other reasons 19 5.1
Sleep duration 6.4 ± 1.1 (311) hrs
  >= 7 h 161 43.6
  6–6.9 h 137 37.1
  5–5.9 h 56 15.2
  4–4.9 h 15 4.1
Habitual sleep efficiency (SE) b
  >85% 241 65.3
  75~84% 77 20.9
  65~74% 43 11.7
  <65% 8 2.2
Use of sleeping aid medication
  None during the past month 363 98.4
  <once/week 4 1.1
  1–2 times/week 2 0.5
  >= 3 times/week 0 0
Daytime dysfunction
Trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, and/or engaging in social activity
  Not during the past month 209 56.6
  <once/week 86 23.3
  1–2 times/week 58 15.7
  >= 3 times/week 16 4.3
Trouble with enthusiasm to get things done
  No problem 76 20.6
  Slight problem 208 56.4
  Somewhat problematic 79 21.4
  Very problematic 6 1.6
  Going to sleep after midnight 247 66.9

a At least three times per week for one month. b SE = (total hours asleep)/(total hours in bed)*100.