Figure 4.
Evaluation of models using the BSGC Score. (A–C) Exemplary evaluation of models with different quality using the BSGC Score. Layers of the epidermis are evaluated from apical to basal layer, according to their physiologicaol order (Str. Corneum/C; Str. Granulosum/G; Str. Spinosum/S; Str. Basale/B). Defects or attributes are highlighted by corresponding symbols (^, X, *, →). (A) Exemplary scoring of a good model (+) with: discontinuous defects of the stratum corneum (^); a highly distinct stratum granulosum (X); no defects in the stratum spinosum (*); a cubic epithelium with hyperchromatic nuclei in the stratum basale (→). (B) Exemplary scoring of a satisfactory model (o) with a large area defect with additional gaps in the stratum corneum (^); medium distinct stratum granulosum (X); multiple conglomerates in the stratum spinosum (*); a flat epithelium in the stratum basale (→). (C) Exemplary scoring of a deficient model (−) with: a large area defect with additional gaps in the stratum corneum (^); no differentiation of the stratum granulosum (X); a discontinuous stratum spinosum (*); a missing stratum basale (→). (D) Evaluation of control models and of the wound edge of burned models, and models that were burned and treated with 5% dexpanthenol on day 1, 7 and 14 after wounding. (3 biological replicates in independent test runs with 3 sections from 1 technical replicate each; mean values ± SD; Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test, * p < 0.05 compared to the control).