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. 2021 Sep 21;26(18):5704. doi: 10.3390/molecules26185704

Table 4.

Residues corresponding with the SBSs from H. sapiens α-amylase a.

α-Amylase I I II II III IV
ABL09312_Acarus_siro T W F W W N
BAB85635_Anguilla_japonica Y W W W W W
AAL37207_Crassostrea_gigas W W Y W W W
AAL37183_Crassostrea_gigas W W F W W W
AAD38942_Dermatophagoides_pteronyssinus W W F W W N
AAD38943_Euroglyphus_maynei W W F W W N
AAC60246_Gallus_gallus Y W W W W W
ABO26610_Haliotis_discus_discus Y W F W W T
BAM74656_Haliotis_discus_hannai Y W F W W T
AAA51724_Homo_sapiens (pancreas) Y W W W W W
AAH63129_Homo_sapiens (saliva) Y W W W W W
AAA37221_Mus_musculus Y W W W W F
AAA37230_Mus_musculus Y W W W W W
H2N0D4_Oryzias_latipes Y W W W W L
CAA68065_Pecten_maximus N W F W W W
CAA54524_Penaeus_vannamei Y W R W W F
CAB65552_Penaeus_vannamei Y W R W W F
AAF65827_Pseudopleuronectes_americanus Y W W W W C
AAA40725_Rattus_norvegicus Y W W W W W
AAH88228_Rattus_norvegicus Y W W W W F
P83053_Struthio_camelus Y W W W W W
AAF02828_Sus_scrofa Y W W W W W
CAC87125_Tetraodon_nigroviridis Y W W W W L

a The potential SBSs in α-amylases from the subfamily GH13_24 have been analysed according to SBSs observed in the three-dimensional structures of the counterpart human salivary α-amylase ([54]; PDB code: 3BLP)—SBS-I: Y291 (Y276) and W299 (W284); SBS-II: W331 (W316) and W403 (W388); SBS-III: W218 (W203); and SBS-IV: W149 (W134)—the numbering in parentheses applies if the N-terminal signal peptide is removed); which is highlighted by the walnut-colour inversion. The individual α-amylases are presented by their GenBank accession Nos. and the binomial name of the producing organism. The aromatic residues corresponding with the those forming the real SBSs are highlighted by black inversion.