Table 4.
Exercise and physical activity as quaternary prevention in advanced-stage breast cancer patients.
[170] |
(n = 13) Life expectancy ≥ 6 months age 44–75 years YG (n = 13) |
YG: 8 weekly group session (during CH) |
↓ Pain, fatigue distress 🡹 Relaxation, invigoration |
[171] | (n = 101) Life expectancy ≥ 12 months age 59–59 years AG (n = 48) CG (n = 53) |
16 weeks (during CH) AG: 150 min MVPA per week CG: no intervention |
=min/w exercise and physical functioning in AG |
[172] | (n = 65) age 62–72 years AG (n = 33) CG (n = 32) |
12 weeks 3 d/w (during CH) AG: 55–80 % VO2peak on treadmill CG: no intervention |
🡹VO2peak and functional capacity in AG. Attendance rate 63%, permanent discontinuation 27%, dose modification 49%, acceptable tolerability 42% in AG. |
[173] | (n = 14) Life expectancy at least 4 months age ≥ 18 years HARG (n = 8) CG (n = 6) |
8 weeks 2 d/w (during CH and HT) HARG: supervised RT 2 sets of 12 repetitions 1 min recovery, intensity 6–7 Adult OMNI Scale + unsupervised 10–15 min walking CG: no intervention |
🡹FACIT-F score, VO2max and six-minute walking test in HARG. Adherence 100% in RT and 25% in walking. |
[174] | (n = 48) Life expectancy ≥ 9 months age 56–67 years YG (n = 30) CG (n = 18) |
8 week 5–6 d/w (undergoing treatments) YG: meditation, gentle postures, breathing techniques, presentations on yogic principles for optimal coping. 15–30 min/d CG: Discussion about several topic related to the disease concerns |
↓ Pain levels in YG and CG Dose–response relationship between YG, duration and daily pain. |
[175] | (n = 49) age 55–65 years HPA (n = 49) |
6 months (during CH, RT, HT, TT) HPA: reach 10,000 steps per day. |
🡹HPA increases 6-MWT, quadriceps strength ↓ BMI =muscle CSA, skeletal muscle radiodensity, LM. |
Legend: CH, chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy; HT, hormonal therapy; TT, targeted therapy; AG, aerobic group; HARG, home-based aerobic + resistance group; YG, yoga group; HPA, home physical activity; CG, control group; MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity; BMI, body mass index; VO2peak, peak oxygen uptake; FACIT-F, functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—fatigue; CSA, cross-sectional area; LM, lean body mass; 6MWT, 6 min walking test; min = minutes.