Gender |
Female |
290 (58.0%) |
Male |
210 (42.0%) |
Age |
60–64 |
141 (28.2%) |
65–69 |
128 (25.6%) |
70 and more |
231 (46.2%) |
Place of residence |
Village |
110 (22.0%) |
Town, less than 20,000 inhabitants |
56 (11.2%) |
Town, between 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants |
136 (27.2%) |
Town, between 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants |
62 (12.4%) |
Town, between 200,000 to 400,000 inhabitants |
39 (7.8%) |
Town, more than 400,000 inhabitants |
97 (19.4%) |
Housing situation |
Lives alone |
108 (21.6%) |
Lives with partner |
202 (40.4%) |
Lives with partner and children |
117 (23.4%) |
Lives alone with children |
35 (7.0%) |
Lives with family |
29 (5.8%) |
Other situation |
9 (1.8%) |
Education |
Primary |
8 (1.6%) |
Vocational |
105 (21.0%) |
Secondary |
245 (49.0%) |
Higher |
142 (28.4%) |
Body mass (kg) |
M ± SD |
78.5 ± 15.7 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
76 (67–88) |
Min–Max |
48–140 |
Body height (cm) |
M ± SD |
169 ± 9 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
168 (163–175) |
Min–Max |
141–210 |
BMI (kg/m2) |
M ± SD |
27.4 ± 4.6 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
27 (24–30) |
Min–Max |
19–46 |
Household income per person per month |
Less than 500 PLN |
5 (1.0%) |
501–1000 PLN |
24 (4.8%) |
1001–2000 PLN |
188 (37.6%) |
2001–3000 PLN |
158 (31.6%) |
More than 3000 PLN |
110 (2.0%) |
Refusal to answer |
15 (3.0%) |
Chronic diseases |
Coronary Heart Disease |
63 (12.6%) |
Diabetes Mellitus |
74 (14.8%) |
Asthma |
43 (8.6%) |
33 (6.6%) |
Heart Failure |
71 (14.2%) |
Kidney Failure |
20 (4.0%) |
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease |
68 (13.6%) |
Was vaccinated against influenza in 2019 |
62 (12.4%) |
Was vaccinated against influenza in 2020 |
51 (10.2%) |
Avoids vaccination because of possible complications |
164 (32.8%) |
Wants to be vaccinated against influenza but was unable due to lack of availability of vaccines |
104 (20.8%) |
The GP doctor recommended vaccination against influenza and pneumococci |
81 (16.2%) |
Number of drugs taken |
1 to 3 |
301 (60.2%) |
4 to 6 |
151 (30.2%) |
7 to 10 |
40 (8.0%) |
More than 10 |
8 (1.6%) |
Cardiac drugs |
132 (26.4%) |
Antihypertensive drugs |
255 (51.0%) |
Diuretics |
78 (15.6%) |
Analgesics |
230 (46.0%) |
Digestive ailments drugs |
131 (26.2%) |
Anticoagulants |
87 (17.4%) |
Antidepressants |
78 (15.6%) |
Nootropics |
54 (10.8%) |
All drugs are prescribed by the same doctor |
352 (70.4%) |
How many different doctors have prescribed your medications? |
n = 148 |
2 |
82 (55.4%) |
3 |
52 (35.1%) |
4 and more |
14 (9.4%) |
Informs the GP about all new medications |
391 (78.2%) |
Buys drugs and/or supplements without a prescription |
378 (75.6%) |
Analgesics |
305 (61.0%) |
For heartburn |
132 (26.4%) |
Herbal |
155 (31.0%) |
Vitamins (C, B, D) |
345 (69.0%) |
Other |
96 (19.2%) |
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) |
M ± SD |
5.9 ± 0.4 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
6 (6–6) |
Min–Max |
2–6 |
Fit people (5–6 pts.) |
493 (98.6%) |
Moderately disabled people (3–4 pts.) |
6 (1.2%) |
Disabled people (0–2 pts.) |
1 (0.2%) |
The Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) |
M ± SD |
22.9 ± 2.3 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
24 (23–24) |
Min–Max |
11–24 |
Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) |
M ± SD |
9.1 ± 1.0 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
9 (9–10) |
Min–Max |
5–10 |
Normal condition (7–10 pts.) |
9.1 ± 1.0 |
Moderate disorder (4–6 pts.) |
9 (9–10) |
Geriatric depression scale (GDS-15) |
M ± SD |
4.8 ± 4.0 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
4 (2–8) |
Min–Max |
0–15 |
Lack of depression (0–5 pts.) |
324 (64.8%) |
Depression (6–15 pts.) |
176 (35.2%) |
Gastric Anxiety Scale (GAS-10) |
M ± SD |
7.2 ± 4.6 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
6 (4–10) |
Min–Max |
0–25 |
Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6) |
M ± SD |
14.2 ± 5.9 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
15 (10–18) |
Min–Max |
0–30 |
Social loneliness scale (Gierveld Scale) |
M ± SD |
13.1 ± 1.8 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
13 (12–14) |
Min–Max |
6–18 |
Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) |
M ± SD |
12.8 ± 1.5 |
Me (Q1–Q3) |
13 (12–14) |
Min–Max |
6–14 |
Proper nutritional status (12–14 pts.) |
418 (83.6%) |
The danger of malnutrition (8–11 pts.) |
78 (15.6%) |
Malnutrition (0–7 pts.) |
4 (0.8%) |