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. 2021 Sep 6;10(9):1076. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10091076

Table 1.

Plants with antimicrobial characteristics have been utilized in traditional medicine mL [102].

Scientific Name Plant Parts Active Principle Antimicrobial Activity MIC Value
Aloe vera S Latex Salmonella and Streptococcus spp. P. aeruginosa: ≤400 μg/mL [103]
Malus sylvestris FR ‘Phloretin’ a flavonoid General antimicrobial P. aeruginosa: 7.81 μg/mL [104]
Withania somnifera R and L ‘Withaferin A’ a lactone Antibacterial
S. aureus: 250 μg/mL [105]
Aegel marmelos L, FR and R Essential oils/terpenoids Antifungal A. fumigatus: 15.625 μg/mL
Barberis vulgaris R and SB ‘Barberine’ an alkaloid M. tuberculosis,
Vibrio cholera,
and Trypanosomes
P. aeruginosa: 16 μg/mL
Proteus vulgaris: 32 μg/mL
E. coli: 32 μg/mL [106]
Ocimum sanctum a. L and Sb. R a. Essential oils
b. Root extract
a. Salmonella, Ringworm,
common cold virus
b. In malarial fever to bring sweating
S. aureus: 128 μg/mL [107]
Laurus nobilis Leaves Essential oils Antibacterial and antifungal E. coli: >22.5 mg/mL,
P. aeruginosa: 22 mg/mL [108]
Piper nigrum S ‘Piperine’ an alkaloid Fungi, Micrococci, E. coli C. albicans: 3.125 mg/mL [109]
Bacopa monnieri WP ‘Brahmine’ an alkaloid Anthelmintic property UTI and RTI bacteria: 2.5 mg/mL
E. coli: 2.5 μg/mL [110]
Acorus calamus RH and L Volatile oils Enteric bacteria
S. aureus and E. coli: 5–10 mg/mL
Ricinus communis S Castor oil Antifungal (in dermatitis) S. aureus: 62.5 μg/mL [111]
Cinnamomum verum BA and L Essential oils General antimicrobial S. aureus: 0.5 μL/disc [112]
Cinchona officinalis BA ‘Quinine’ an alkaloid Antimalarial Helicobacter pylori: 0.1 ng/ML [113]
Capsicum annum FR ‘Capsaicin’ a terpenoid Antibacterial From 10 to 20 μg/mL [114]
Hydnocarpus kurzii Essential oil Mycobacterium leprae Thyme: 1.25 mg/mL [115]
Coriandrum sativum WP, L, S Antibacterial
Candida albicans:
0.02 mg/mL,
E. coli: 0.64 mg/mL [116]
Eucalyptus globulus L Tannins and terpenoids /essential oils Antibacterial
S. aureus: 64 mg/mL,
S. pyogenes: 32 mg/mL,
S. pneumoniae: 16 mg/mL,
Haemophilus influenzae:
16 mg/mL [117]
Allium sativum B Sulfated terpenoids General antimicrobial (Methanolic extract)
S. aureus: 1.25 mg/mL
S. pneumonia: 0.312 mg/mL
P. aeruginosa: 1.25 mg/mL
K. pneumoniae: 0.312 mg/mL(Ethanolic extract)
S. aureus: 2.5 mg/mL
S. pneumonia: 0.312 mg/mL
P. aeruginosa: 0.625 mg/mL
K. pneumoniae: 0.156 mg/mL [118]
Piper longum FR and L Piperin Antibacterial B. cereus and E. coli: 12.5 mg/mL [102]
Glycyrrhiza glabra 1. ‘Glycyrrhizin’ a terpenoid
2. ‘Glabrol’ an alcohol
1. HIV virus and other viruses
2. M. tuberculosis
S. aureus
S. aureus: 50 mg/mL [119]
Calendula officinalis L
Essential oils/Terpenoids General antimicrobial S. mutans: 3.12 μg/mL [120]
Mentha arvensis L ‘Menthol’ an alcohol AntisepticMouth wash Acinetobacter baumannii: 23.5 μg/mL [121]
Azadirachtus indica R, LB, FR, FL 1.‘Azadirachtin’
2. ‘Nimbin’
3. ‘Nimbidin’
4. ‘Gedunin’
5. ‘Salannin’
6. ‘Quercetin’
1. Repellant and antifeedant
2. Antifungal
3. Antibacterial, antifungal
4. Anti-malarial, antifungal
5. Repellant
6. Antibacterial, antiprotozoal
Streptococcus sp.: 125 μg/mL
S. aureus: 250 μg/mL
Enterococcus faecalis: 500 μg/mL [122]
Oleo europoea ‘Hexanal’ an aldehyde General antimicrobial S. cerevisiae: 24 μg/mL, [123]
Allium cepa B ‘Allicin’ a sulfoxide and other sulfated terpenoids Antibacterial
S. aureus: 7 μg/mL [124]
Citrus sinensis FP, L Terpenoids Antifungal Streptococcus sp.:12.4 mg/mL
Carica papaya LA, FR Terpenoids, organic acids, and alkaloids General antimicrobial S. aureus: 1250 μg/mL
Butea monosperma S, L Tannins Round worm, Ring worm, Dhobi-itch Acinetobacter sp: 2.62 mg/mL [125]
Mentha piperita WP 1. ‘Menthol’ an alcohol 2. Peppermint oil terpenoid 1. General antimicrobial
2. Mouth freshener
Klebsiella pneumonia:
0.4 ± 0.02(v/v) [126]
Papaver somniferum ‘Opium’ an alkaloid General antimicrobial K. pneumonia: 2.2 mg/mL
C. albicans: 1.1 mg/mL [127]
Solanum tuberosum T Potato starch Antibacterial
S. aureus: 0.62 mg/mL,
S. pyogenes:1.25 mg/mL [101]
Rauwolfia serpentine R ‘Reserpine’ an alkaloid General antimicrobial S. aureus: 30 mg/mL [101]
Pterocarpus santalinus W Terpenoids Antibacterial, Antiseptic
Against skin infections and inflammations
S. aureus: 4 mg/mL
Catharanthus roseus Ajmalicine, serpentine, reserpine
General antimicrobial
E. coli: 12.5 µg/mL
Santalum album W Terpenoids, saponins, phenolic compounds Antibacterial
Skin infections
TB of gallbladder
S. aureus: 0.078 µg/mL [128]
Centratherum anthelmintium S Anthelmintic E. coli: 0.0020 µg/mL
P. aeruginosa: 0.006 µg/mL
Sida cardifolia WP and R with ginger Antimicrobial C. albicans: 8.33 µg/mL
Thymus vulgaris ‘Caffeic acid’,
‘thymol’ and tannins
Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal S. aureus: 0.312 mg/mL
Tamarindus indica PF GIT infections and toxicity E. coli: 15 mg/mL and Shigella flexnerri: 10 mg/mL [129]
Curcuma longa R, RH and L ‘Curcumin’, turmeric oil, terpenoids Antibacterial, antiprotozoal, Anthelmintic S. aureus: 190 mg/mL
Salix alba ‘Salicin’, tannins, and essential oils General antimicrobial S. aureus: 100 mg/mL
Gaultheria fragrantissima Tannins and polyphenols Hook worms, mosquito and fly repellant, anticancer drug Inhibited growth and aflatoxin B1: 7 at 1.0 and 0.7 µL/mL, respectively [130]
Artemisia maritime Immature F and L Anthelmintic (worms and round worms), GIT infections B. subtilis, S. aureus, Salmonella sp: 0.09mg/mL [131]
Terminalia chebula
Terminalia belerica Embilica officinalis
S and FR S. aureus
E. coli
P. aeroginosa
M. tuberculosis
Common cold virus
S. typhimirium: 1 mg/mL,
MRSA: 0.25 mg/mL [132]

AE: Aerial part; B: Bulb; BA: Bark; FL: Flower; FP: Fruit peels; FR: Fruit; L: Leave; LA: Latex; LB: leaves bark; R: Root; RH: Rhizome; S: Seed; SB: Stem bark; PF: Pulp of fruit; W: Wood; WP: Whole plant; T: Tuber.