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. 2021 Sep 21;11(9):1248. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11091248

Table 4.

Conjunction of the effects of the motor and somatosensory tasks. MNI coordinates of the brain regions commonly activated for the four conditions of the motor tasks (1) and the four conditions of the somatosensory tasks (2). Brain regions (R = right hemisphere; L = left hemisphere), cluster size (k = number of voxels), FWER-corrected p-value and uncorrected p-value, peak Z-score and Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates are reported. # Statistical threshold p < 0.05 whole-brain FWER-corrected voxelwise. BA = Brodmann areas; corr = corrected. ** labeled as no region in the AAL template and identified by the Neuromorphometrics and the HarvardOxford atlas.

Brain Regions (BA) Cluster Peak
K PFWER-corr Puncorrected Z-Score MNI Coordinates
x y z
(a) Conjunction Controls and BID
Cluster 1 468 0.021 0.006
R SMA (6) 4.52 # 6 −4 60
L SMA (6) 3.70 −8 −12 64
(b) Conjunction Controls
Cluster 1 1600 <0.001 <0.001
R SMA 7.0 # 2 −4 58
R Mid. Cingulum (24) 3.29 10 6 36
Cluster 2 845 0.002 <0.001
L Precentral gyrus (6) 5.27 # −60 6 28
L Precentral gyrus (6) 4.59 # −46 −6 54
L Rolandic opercular gyrus 4.33 −48 2 10
Cluster 3 432 0.027 0.007
R Supramarginal gyrus 4.55 # 62 −16 22
R Supramarginal gyrus 4.05 54 −26 34
R Superior temporal gyrus 3.12 58 −34 24
Cluster 4 297 0.079 0.022
L Supramarginal gyrus 4.49 # −56 −22 24
Cluster 5 463 0.022 0.006
R Insula 3.93 44 2 6
R Rolandic opercular gyrus 3.83 54 8 14
R Putamen 3.62 28 −2 0
(c) Conjunction BID
Cluster 1 470 0.021 0.005
R SMA (6) 4.52 # 6 −4 60
L SMA (6) 3.70 −8 −12 64
Cluster 2 461 0.022 0.006
R Rolandic opercular gyrus 3.82 60 −18 16
R Supramarginal gyrus** 3.73 48 −26 28
R Supramarginal gyrus 3.68 56 −24 36
(a) Conjunctions in Controls and BID
No areas of shared activations
(b) Conjunctions in Controls
Cluster 1 956 0.002 0.001
L Postcentral gyrus 5.15 # −54 −18 18
L Supramarginal gyrus 4.97 # −54 −26 22
L Supramarginal gyrus (43) 4.29 −60 −20 36
Cluster 2 735 0.006 0.002
R Rolandic opercular gyrus 4.93 # 50 −28 22
(c) Conjunctions in BID
No areas of shared activations