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. 2021 Aug 30;8(9):753. doi: 10.3390/children8090753

Table 2.

COVID-19: are IBD patients protected from the infection?

Author Patients Diagnostic Method Geographic Area Time/Duration of the Study Results
Taxonera et al., 2020
IBD: 1912
COVID-19: 12
Molecular swab (PCR) Madrid (Spain) Until 08 April 2020 COVID-19 incidence in IBD patients (4.9/1000) < general population (6.6/1000), OR:0.74, p < 0.001
Mortality in IBD patients (0.82/1000) < general population (0.9/1000) but not statistically significative, p = 0.36
Mak et al., 2021
Hong Kong
IBD: 2954
IBD: 2554
Molecular swab (PCR) Hong Kong and Taiwan (China) 21 January 2020–15 April 2020 0 COVID-19 cases among IBD patients
General population: 1017 cases in Hong Kong, 429 cases in Taiwan
Maconi et al., 2020
IBD: 941
COVID-19: 2
Controls: 869
COVID-19: 10
Molecular swab (PCR) (certain cases)
Clinic (highly suspected cases)
Lombardy (Italy) Until 25 April 2020 Certain diagnosis of COVID-19: 2 IBD patients and 10 controls, p = 0.018
Highly suspected COVID-19: 3.8% of IBD patients < 6.3% of controls, p = 0.006
Allocca et al., 2020
IBD: 23,879
COVID-19: 97
Molecular swab (PCR): 64 patients
Clinic + contact or radiology: 33 patients (highly suspected)
Italy, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Kastoria, Attica, Greece, Russia, Israel 21 February 2020–30 June 2020 COVID-19 incidence in IBD patients (0.406%) comparable to general population (0.402%)
Lethality in IBD patients (1%) < general population (9%)
Norsa et al., 2020
IBD: 522, of which 59 < 18 aa
Controls with COVID-19: 479
Molecular swab (PCR) Hospital “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, Bergamo (Italy) 19 February 2020–23 March 2020 0 cases of COVID-19 in IBD patients
479 COVID-19 patients accessed the hospital during the same period
Quera et al., 2020
IBD: 1432
COVID-19: 32
Molecular swab (PCR) Chile 01 March 2020–31 August 2020 Hospitalization in 4 patients. No death. IBD patients do not have an increased risk of severe symptoms
Viganò et al., 2020
IBD: 704
COVID-19: 53
Laboratory diagnosis (9 patients, 1.2%) or highly suspected clinic based on WHO criteria (+ contact or flu vaccine) Lombardy Until April 2020 COVID-19 incidence in IBD patients (1.2%) comparable to general population (0.81%)
Association between IBD severity and COVID-19 (OR:12.6, p = 0.01)
Lukin et al., 2020
IBD e COVID-19: 80
COVID-19 non IBD: 160
Molecular swab (PCR) or highly suspected clinic New York (USA) 01 February 2020–30 April 2020 Risk of ICU admission, intubation and death resulted minor in IBD patients compared to controls (24% vs. 35%) but the result is not statistically significative (p = 0.352)
Scaldaferri et al., 2020
IBD: 1451
COVID-19: 5
Molecular swab (PCR) Rome (Italy) 04 March 2020–15 April 2020 Only mild symptoms in positive patients
Allocca, Fiorino et al., 2020
IBD: 6000 patients
COVID-19: 15
Molecular swab (PCR) Nancy (France) and Milan (Italy) Since the beginning of pandemic (publication date: 30 April 2020) COVID-19 incidence in IBD patients (0.0025) comparable to general population (0.0017)
Mortality and need for hospitalization higher in general population (13% vs. 5%), 5 hospitalizations, 0 ICU admission
0 deaths
Singh et al., 2020
IBD: 196,403
COVID-19: 232
Controls: 19,776 COVID-19
Laboratory diagnosis or COVID-19 diagnostic code after hospitalization USA 26 January 2020–26 May 2020 Risk of severe disease (hospitalization and/or death within 30 days) comparable between IBD patients (56/232) and controls (4139/19,776), RR: 0.93, p = 0.66
Gubatan et al., 2020
IBD: 168 (tested)
COVID-19: 5
Molecular swab (PCR) Northern California (USA) 04 March 2020–14 April 2020 Positivity rate comparable between IBD patients (3%) and general population (2.8%)
Kjeldsen et al., 2021
132 hospitalized patients for COVID-19 having IBD/RA/AS/psoriasis
2811 controls hospitalized for COVID-19
Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 diagnostic code (from national database) Denmark 01 March 2020–31 October 2020 No significative differences between the group of patients with underlying diseases and controls in terms of hospital persistence (6.8 vs. 5.5 days), need for mechanical ventilation (7.6% vs. 9.4%), need for CPAP (11.4% vs. 8.8%), in-hospital, within 14 and 30 days mortality (17.4%, 20.5% e 21.2% vs. 15.2%, 18.1% e 19.1%, OR 0.71, 0.70 e 0.68)
Mao et al., 2020
IBD: 20,000
COVID-19: 0 (the three biggest centers in Wuhan have been analyzed)
Laboratory diagnosis China December 2019–08 March 2020 0 COVID-19 diagnosis
Attauabi et al., 2020
IBD: 2486
COVID-19: 76
COVID-19 general population: 8476 out of 231601 swabs
Molecular swab (PCR) Denmark 28 January 2020–02 June 2020 Prevalence in IBD patients (2.5%) < general population (3.7%), p < 0.01 (with more tests performed in percentage in patients with IBD)
Hospitalization in 25% of patients, need for oxygen-therapy in 18.4%, 4 deaths
Dyspnea as presenting symptom is a risk factor for access ICU (OR: 19.7)

IBD: inflammatory bowel disease. RA: rheumatoid arthritis. AS: ankylosing spondylitis. PCR: polymerase chain reaction. WHO: World Health Organization. ICU: intensive care unit. CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure.