Figure 4.
Bull metaphases exposed to pesticides in vitro. (a) Isochromatid break after exposure to tebuconazole/prothioconazole-based fungicide formulation indicated by an arrow (b) Chromatid exchanges after exposure to tebuconazole-based fungicide marked with three separate arrows (c) Chromatid exchange (the longest arrow), breaks (shorter arrow and arrowhead), and fragmentation (many breaks in the metaphase) after tebuconazole-based fungicide exposure. (d) Normal metaphase hybridised with WCP probes BTA 1 and BTA 5. (e) Normal metaphase hybridised with WCP probes BTA 1, BTA 5, and BTA 7. (f) Aneuploidy. Three copies of chromosome 5 (BTA 5) are visible in the metaphase plate. Metaphase originates from cultures treated with tebuconazole-based fungicide formulation.