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. 2021 Aug 26;12(9):1323. doi: 10.3390/genes12091323

Table 3.

Results of conditional association analyses for C18:1 and C18:2 using SNP markers in the 749.1 kb critical region in SSC12.

C18:1 C18:2
Single-Marker Analysis Conditional Analysis Single-Marker Analysis Conditional Analysis
No 1 BP SNP annotation 2 Allele 1 3 r 4 b 5p-value 6 β 7p-value 4 b 5p-value 6 β 7p-value
1 12:54812172 intron-GAS7 T −0.443 −0.921 7.52 × 1007 −0.035 0.852 0.108 5.53 × 1012 0.030 0.059
2 12:54842795 intron-GAS7 T 0.390 0.443 0.038 −0.474 0.027 −0.056 0.0016 0.022 0.217
3 12:54901488 intron-GAS7 G −0.382 −0.539 0.003 0.107 0.549 0.045 0.0024 −0.010 0.517
4 12:54929793 intron-GAS7 G 0.638 −1.380 3.24 × 1018 −0.361 0.027 0.125 7.18 × 1021 0.036 0.008
5 12:54956054 intron-GAS7 C *- 2.301 2.45 × 1033 **- **- −0.201 1.37 × 1035 **- **-
6 12:55073130 coding-MYH13 A −0.581 −1.016 5.45 × 108 0.221 0.244 0.111 1.31 × 1012 0.003 0.838
7 12:55093697 intron MYH13 A −0.354 −0.478 0.020 0.247 0.229 0.031 0.0695 −0.031 0.076
8 12:55120479 3′UTR MYH8 G −0.548 −1.347 9.75 × 1014 −0.225 0.225 0.094 6.08 × 1010 −0.0005 0.975
9 12:55180513 3′UTR MYH4 G −0.556 −1.337 4.91 × 1014 −0.236 0.194 0.095 2.08 × 1010 0.002 0.906
10 12:55229376 exon MYH2 G 0.996 2.203 3.65 × 1031 NA NA −0.192 3.42 × 1033 NA NA
11 12:55262653 exon MYH2 T 0.996 2.251 3.91 × 1032 NA NA −0.199 3.73 × 1035 NA NA
12 12:55351879 intron MYH3 A 0.702 −1.449 1.57 × 1015 0.031 0.871 0.146 9.72 × 1022 0.017 0.280
13 12:55373617 5′UTR MYH3 G 0.866 1.865 3.54 × 1021 −0.020 0.921 −0.189 7.08 × 1030 −0.024 0.174
14 12:55373707 5′UTR MYH3 2 0.999 2.276 6.88 × 1033 NA NA −0.198 4.85 × 1035 NA NA
15 12:55447604 intron ADPRM G 0.626 1.730 3.19 × 1012 0.055 0.827 −0.141 1.31 × 1011 0.002 0.922
16 12:55463919 intron ADPRM G 0.946 2.252 7.42 × 1032 0.119 0.560 −0.194 2.60 × 1033 −0.008 0.637
17 12:55475542 intron ADPRM T −0.630 −1.329 1.03 × 1016 −0.307 0.061 0.123 8.85 × 1020 0.034 0.016
18 12:55530321 intron
A −0.101 −1.559 2.87 × 106 −1.201 0.0004 0.065 0.0195 0.035 0.209
19 12:55561243 intron
T 0.106 0.378 0.022 0.205 0.216 −0.017 0.226 −0.002 0.883

1 Physical map position of SNP markers in the 749.1 kb critical region in SSC12; 2 reference allele; 3 LD correlation (r) between the key SNP marker (shaded with grey color; the SNP at 12:54956054) and corresponding SNP markers; 4 regression coefficients computed from single-marker analysis; 5 p-values computed from single-marker analysis; 6 regression coefficients calculated from conditional analysis; 7 p-values calculated from conditional analysis; bold characters represent SNP markers showing extremely high LD correlation with the key SNP marker; absence of regression coefficient and significance due to collinearity originating from extremely high LD with the key SNP marker. * We did not calculate the LD correlation because r is the correlation between the key SNP and other SNPs; ** we did not compute the β and p-value of the key SNP marker in the conditional analysis.