Figure 2.
Per-knockout affects the determinative effect of incubation temperature and light on the diapause of offspring eggs. (A) Three diapause phenotypes of eggs (batches) produced by female moths. ND, non-diapause egg batch, the proportion of diapause eggs ≤ 10%; MD, the mixed batch of diapause eggs and non-diapause eggs, the proportion of diapause eggs was 10–90%; D, the diapause egg batch, the proportion of diapause eggs was ≥90%. In the photos, the yellow eggs are non-diapause eggs, and the dark brown eggs are diapause eggs. (B) At 25 °C incubation temperature, the effect of the incubation light regimes (DD, LD and LL) on the diapause of offspring eggs (n = 66–102 batches). (C) At 20 °C incubation temperature, the effect of the incubation light regimes (DD and LL) on the diapause of offspring eggs (n = 72–152 batches). The numbers of the egg batches are marked above the corresponding column.