Duration in seconds |
Time to fall asleep in a day > 1800 |
Insomnia |
Count of sleep interruptions |
Number of interruptions in a day > 10 |
Restlessness |
Duration in minutes |
Sleep total duration in a day > 480 |
Too Much Sleep |
Duration in minutes |
Sleep total duration in a day < 300 |
Lack of Sleep |
Duration of “Nap” state in minutes |
Asleep in Naps > 100 in a day |
Increased Napping |
Occurrence of “Nap” State, Occurrence of “Night Sleep” state |
Asleep in Naps end time < 2 h from Sleep start time |
Nap close to bedtime |
Time Asleep / Time in bed |
Sleep Efficiency < 85 |
Low Sleep Quality |
Step count, Heart Rate measure, Duration in minutes |
Steps < 50 & Heart Rate > 90 (Fat Burn Zone) for duration > 300 |
Stress or Pain |
Heart Rate measure |
HR < 60 |
Low Heart Rate |
Step count, Heart Rate measure, Duration in minutes |
Steps < 1000 & Heart Rate < 80 for duration > 300 |
Inactivity |
Step count, Heart Rate measure, Duration in minutes |
Steps < 500 & Heart Rate < 100 for duration > 800 |
Lack of Movement |
Step count |
Steps < 8000 |
Lack of Exercise |