Table 1.
Summary of the responses of chloroplast and chloroplast retrograde signalling to heat, and chloroplast-related plant heat tolerance.
Plant System | Related Physiological Processes | Proteins or Signal Molecules [Ref.] | |
Part I: Chloroplast are sensitive to heat stress: | |||
PSII | Plants | Photosynthesis | D1/D2 [12,13,14,15,16,17,18] |
Protein translation system | Arabidopsis | Protein translation | EF-Tu [23,24,25], RPS1 [26] |
Chlorophyll metabolism | Bentgrass Arabidopsis |
Chlorophyll degradation Chlorophyll turnover |
PPH [31] CHLG [32], CLD1 [33] |
Dark reaction of photosynthesis | Plants | Photosynthesis | Rubisco and RCA [35,36,37] |
Part II: Chloroplast retrograde signalling that responds to heat stress | |||
1. Calcium ion concentration | Arabidopsis | Calcium signalling | CAS [39] |
2. ROS | Plants Arabidopsis Plants |
Singlet oxygen [41] β-cyclocitral [43] H2O2 [44] |
3. Metabolic molecules |
Arabidopsis |
Tetrapyrrole metabolism Tocopherol and sulfur metabolism |
Mg-Proto IX and hemin [47] Vitamin E-PAP-miR398 [48] |
4. Components in chloroplast |
Arabidopsis Arabidopsis Arabidopsis |
Chlorophyll biosynthesis Protein translation Transcription and plastid translation Protein phosphorylation |
GUN5 [49] RPS1 [26] CIA2 [50] CK2 [51] |
5. Components out of chloroplast |
Arabidopsis Arabidopsis Arabidopsis, tomato et al. Arabidopsis |
Maintaining signalling proteins/Heat Transcription factor Transcription factor/Heat Transcription factor |
HSP90 [42,76] PTM-ABI4 [42] HSFA2 [26,42] HY5, GLKs [42] |
Part III: Chloroplast proteins contribute to plant heat tolerance | |||
1. HSPs a. HSP100s b. HSP70s c. HSP60s d. HSP40s e. sHSPs |
Arabidopsis, Tomato Arabidopsis Pepper Tomato Arabidopsis Creeping bentgrass Tall fescue Maize Chlamydomonas |
Protein quality control Protein quality control Protection of PSII, Rubisco Plastid transcription/PSII stabilization Thermomemory Protection of photosynthetic protein Protection of photosynthetic protein |
APG/ClpB3 [56,57], LeHSP100 [58] cpHsc70-1 [59] CaHSP60-6 [62] LeCDJ1 [60], LeCDJ2 [61] HSP21 [65] HSP26.8a [66] FaHSP17.8-CII [67] sHSP26 [69] HSP22E/F [70] |
2. ROS related |
Arabidopsis C. merolae Tomato |
Regulation of MDH ROS-scavenging Melatonin biosynthesis |
TRXL1 [71] APX [72] SlSNAT [73] |
3. Protease | Arabidopsis | Protein quality control | FtsH11 [74] |
4. Lipid metabolism | Sweet pepper | Glycerolipid biosynthesis | GPAT [75] |