Table 5.
Acceptance and Challenges to The Implementation of School-Based Intervention to Improve Healthy Eating Practices Among School Adolescents.
Theme/Subtheme | Example of Responses |
Initiatives/changes to healthy school canteen programme | “for me, I have change..mmm I have start to like to eat vegetables, have start to like vegetables and fruits..” (F8, Intervention 2, rural) ” aa..canteen did sell sweetened beverages but not no more” (B4, Intervention 1, rural). “aaa from the programme, the foods served quite nutritious such as vegetable, fruits and kuih. I took the food served form the programme everyday..and now I have come to like the vegetables and kuih-kuih “ (B3, Intervention 2, rural) “yes…we can see increased in healthier menu and not fast food to us, we cook..use the fresh ingredients and sell to students “ (Co-op operator, Intervention 2, urban) |
Barriers to healthy school canteen implementation | “I think in terms of taste..probably sour..the price might be expensive and small in quantity (B3, Intervention 1, rural) “aa.. in terms of student acceptance? Because students are used to greasy food like that, because..then they are afraid that students will not be able to accept this..(F3, Intervention 1, rural) “have to hire more workers” (Canteen operator, Intervention 2, urban) “if we do not sell at canteen (energy-dense foods), the others will sell it…the students still can buy it..outsides school..besides if following the guidelines there are certain distance (to sell)..”(canteen operator, Intervention 1, rural) |
Foods preferences/acceptance among students | “I will buy (if canteen served healthy food), because less oily, less fat and quite good for health” (B2, Intervention 2, urban) “okay, mmm in my opinion, I will buy if the canteen has changed to a healthy canteen because it may reduce the fat in my body, in terms of oil, after that..haa can keep my body healthy and I will take food, buy food at the canteen if you have changed it to healthy” (F4, Intervention 1, rural) “it is a bit fussy among the students, students they want. they want sweet things, delicious food, because as a seller, so if I can sell then I will get profit, more profit to me, but because we have guidelines so I have to follow” (Canteen operator, Intervention 1, rural) “ah for example milk, many students will buy but more to flavoured milk. Many students, but certain students they will buy milk everyday” (Assistant Principal, Intervention 1, urban) |
Subsidy/coupon for healthy foods | “for me (giving food subsidy) is really helpful, because indirectly, maybe the student does not like to eat vegetables, he does not like to eat vegetables but with the subsidy, he will feel the coupon will be wasted (if he did not use). eventually he will try to eat and interested to eat vegetables..” (Principal, Intervention 2, urban)” I took the provided foods and I feel that I can save money, and the food that I take is healthier than others “(B1, Intervention 2, rural) “in my opinion it is good because students can eat healthy food, and can eat everyday those things that they don’t usually eat such as fruits, in my opinion.” (B1, Intervention 2, urban) “it is good because actually students like free things” (Teacher, Intervention 2, urban) “well no (profit will not affected), in fact it is better, because even if students eat or not, the meal already paid” (Canteen operator, Intervention 2, urban) |