Normalized Pearson Bi-clustered heatmaps, (A) split by sample type for all absolute activities and (B) inhibitor contributions to turnover. Specimen were saliva (_SAL) samples examined and caries biopsies obtained (CAR_BIOP), representing relative substrate utilization for peptides (PepA–PepE) turnover in relation to overall activity (_CT_ABS) and inhibited contribution to turnover (_ABS_CONT). Inhibitors denote _COMi_ = COMPLETE, _MMPi = Metalloprotease inhibitor or _BOTHi, comprising a combination of both. The respective contribution of inhibitors (CONT) to Vmax is reported. Across all samples, a consistent CSC signal is observed for PepC (PepC_COMi_ABS_CONT). Saliva in caries positive subjects is delineated predominantly by an increase in pepE overall turnover, BOTHi inhibition and the reduced inhibitory effect of COMi and MMPi. The second cluster in caries is defined by the prevalence of increased MMP contribution for PepA and PepB. (B) relative inhibition observed for caries biopsies, highlighting the utilization of substrates by both MMP and CSC proteases.