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. 2021 Aug 27;10(9):2019. doi: 10.3390/foods10092019

Table 4.

Reproducibility of the sterols and triterpenic dialcohols of oil samples by the proposed SLE method and official methods.

Means **
N = 6
SD RSD (%) Means **
N = 6
SD RSD (%) Means **
N = 6
SD RSD (%) Means **
N = 6
Cholesterol nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.20 0.03 15.00 0.15 0.03 20.36
Campesterol 2.83 0.07 2.47 2.81 0.04 1.42 2.63 0.03 1.07 2.56 0.01 0.50
Stigmasterol 0.74 0.07 9.46 0.68 0.05 7.35 0.89 0.06 7.01 0.95 0.02 1.61
Δ5,23-stigmastadienol nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.55 0.02 3.93 0.51 0.00 0.88
Clerosterol 1.04 0.05 4.81 1.06 0.1 9.43 0.86 0.02 1.89 0.86 0.02 2.42
β-sitosterol 83.95 1.07 1.27 83.96 1.75 2.08 74.75 0.20 0.27 73.85 0.45 0.60
Sitostanol 0.69 0.03 4.35 0.78 0.04 5.13 1.45 0.11 7.38 1.44 0.06 4.23
Δ5-avenasterol 7.37 0.18 2.44 7.34 0.18 2.45 1.48 0.03 2.27 1.49 0.12 7.87
Δ5,24-stigmastadienol 0.70 0.04 5.71 0.61 0.07 11.48 1.31 0.04 2.81 1.46 0.02 1.71
Δ7-stigmastenol 0.42 0.04 9.52 0.38 0.04 10.53 0.35 0.03 8.57 0.31 0.04 12.90
Δ7-avenasterol 0.74 0.07 9.46 0.66 0.07 10.61 0.28 0.01 3.57 0.35 0.01 2.13
Erythrodiol + Uvaol *** 1.52 0.06 3.95 1.72 0.04 2.33 15.25 0.29 1.88 16.07 0.56 3.51
Total sterols (ppm) 1231.38 30.21 2.45 1224.19 30.73 2.51 5529.87 309.19 5.59 5183.04 57.45 1.11

VOO: Virgin olive oil; OPO: olive pomace oil; * official methods; nd: non detected; ** the mean data are presented as percentages of total sterols, without include the triterpenic dialcohols; *** the mean data are presented as percentages of total sterols; SD: Standard deviation; RSD: Relative standard deviation.