Case 1: Postoperative OCT and indocyanine green (ICG) imaging after superior wide-based internal limiting membrane flap transposition (SWIFT) for MH.
A) Postoperative OCT shows U-shaped MH closure with a layer of ILM covering the fovea. B and C) ICG fluorescence imaging demonstrates the ILM flap (white arrow) is intact and in good position with complete coverage of the MH site. A crescent-shaped area (asterisk) of hypofluorescence, representing the area of the original ILM peel not covered by the ILM flap, is present infero-temporally. Superiorly, an area of ICG hypofluorescence (star) is present, corresponding to the flap harvest site with absent ILM. Granular hyperfluorescence at the MH site and mild speckled hyperfluorescence are present. D) ICG fluorescence image from a patient who underwent MH surgery with removal of ILM without a flap is included for comparison. Central circular area of hypofluorescence represents the area of ILM removal. Granular hyperfluorescence at the MH site and scattered speckled hyperfluorescence are present. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)