Table 2. Primer details for Sanger sequencing the alpha-thalassaemia deletion region in HBA1 and HBA2.
Name | Dir | Genome Position | Gene | Genome Position | Genome Position | Primer Sequence (5'-3') |
A2/3.7-F | FWD | 16:221882-221901 | 5' to HBA2 | CCCCTCGCCAAGTCCACCC | ||
HBA1_specific_F | FWD | 16:225771-225792 | HBA1 | CTCCAGCCGGTTCCAGCTATTG | ||
HBA-5' SEQ REV | REV | 16:222930-222950 | HBA2 | 16:226734-226754 | HBA1 | GGCCTTGACGTTGGTCTTGTC |
HBA-3' SEQ FWD | FWD | 16:223310-223332 | HBA2 | 16:227114-227136 | HBA1 | GGACCCGGTCAACTTCAAGGTGA |
A2-R | REV | 16:223666-223684 | 3' to HBA2 | AAAGCACTCTAGGGTCCAGCG | ||
3.7-R | REV | 16:227698-227718 | 3' to HBA1 | CCCCTCGCCAAGTCCACCC |
α-thalassaemia PCR was undertaken using the standard protocol as described 19. PCR products were then sequenced using the primers above (see methods).
A2/3.7-F, A2-R and 3.7-R are primers used in the standard PCR assay for α -3.7-thalassaemia deletion.
HBA-5' SEQ REV and HBA-3' SEQ FWD were designed internal to the products to allow more coverage. All primer locations are identified in Figure 2