Figure 9. Circular dendrograms of 'core' HBA regional haplotypes (Chr16:207,909-241,210 comprising 178 polymorphisms and the α -3.7I polymorphism) by ethnicity in Kilifi, Kenya.
This core region is defined by the EHH signal > 0.2 (Extended Data Figure 2). A: Full haplotypes for 178 SNPs and the -α 3.7I-thalassaemia locus for the Kauma ethnic group. B: Full haplotypes for 178 SNPs and the -α 3.7I-thalassaemia locus for the Chonyi ethnic group. C: Full haplotypes for 178 SNPs and the -α 3.7I-thalassaemia locus for the Giriama ethnic group. D: Full haplotypes for 178 SNPs and the -α -3.7I-thalassaemia locus for other ethnic groups having too few haplotypes per group to display individually. -α 3.7I-reference (BLUE) and -α 3.7I-deletion (RED) haplotypes.