SPADE trees indicating the relative median expression of selected functional markers across clusters of PBMCs. Each node in the tree represents one cluster of cells grouped based on phenotypic similarities as determined by the SPADE algorithm. The distance between nodes represents their degree of phenotypic similarity. The colour of each node denotes the ratio of arcsinh-transformed expression between DNP patients and T1DO controls; red indicates increased expression in the DNP group compared to controls, and blue indicates decreased expression. The colour scale differs between markers. (A) CD127, (B) CD130, (C) CD27, (D) pp65 NFκB, (E) pAKT, (F) pERK1/2, (G) pPLCγ2, (H) pMK2. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)