(A) Representative axial and coronal CT images of the primary lung tumor 2 weeks before (top) and 10 months after (bottom) ICI therapy. The red arrow in the left image indicates a 4.0 × 2.3 × 1.5 cm lobulated and spiculated mass within the right upper lobe of the lung, which completely resolved after ICI therapy. The yellow arrow indicates a perihilar mass that similarly improved. (B) Representative MR images of the brain before any therapy (left), 2 months after atezolizumab (middle), and 9 months after atezolizumab (right). T1 postgadolinium contrast images reveal the development of enhancing lesions after 2 months on ICI therapy. An incomplete, ring-enhancing lesion (yellow arrow in middle panel) and periventricular lesion (yellow arrow in right panel) are suggestive of actively demyelinating lesions. T2-FLAIR sequence images reveal progressive white matter changes throughout the patient’s course. Accelerated brain atrophy is also noted. CT, computed tomography; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; MR, magnetic resonance.