Distribution of microglial and cell death marker expression across regions of the infant brain. Visual comparison of immunohistochemistry findings, with conditional formatting applied to the scoring schema for each marker. Dark blue represents the lowest value, regardless of diagnosis and across all brain regions. Dark red represents the highest value observed. White indicates values at or approximating the median. For (A) the data shown represents the quantitative values for Iba1, AC3 and TUNEL. Iba1 values are the percentage area of the given region covered by Iba1 positive material. Values for AC3 and TUNEL were adapted from our previous findings and follow a semi-quantitative five tier scoring schema. CD68 and HLA-DP,DQ,DR values reflect the proportion of cases with positive marker expression in the parenchyma of the given region, they are shown in (B) to allow comparison. Abbreviations: AC3 = active caspase-3, Ant. = anterior, AN = arcuate nucleus, CA = cornu ammonis, CD68 = cluster of differentiation factor 68, Cun = cuneate nucleus, DMNV = dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, eSUDI = explained sudden unexpected death in infancy, HLA-DP,DQ,DR = human leukocyte antigen – isotopes DP,DQ,DR, IGL = internal granular layer, ION = inferior olivary nucleus, LRt = lateral reticular formation, LGN = lateral geniculate nucleus, NSTT = nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract, NTS = nucleus of the solitary tract, SIDS = sudden infant death syndrome, Sup. = superior, TUNEL = terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling, Vest = vestibular nucleus, XII = hypoglossal nucleus.a Adapted from our previous findings (Ambrose et al., 2019). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)