Fig. 3.
Microglia (A–F) and astrocytes (G–L) in the intact (A, C, G, I) and transected (B, D, H, J) rNTS 4 days after CTX. While both cell types increase in quantity regardless of surgical age (E, K), surgery at postnatal day 10 induced a smaller microglia (F) and a larger astrocyte (L) response than surgery at postnatal day 50. Microglia depletion with PLX5622 has no effect on the neonatal astrocyte response to CTX but eliminates the adult astrocyte response (M). Each point represents data from a single animal. Connecting lines (E, K, M) show paired comparisons within a single animal. Error bars denote means ± SEM. *p < .05. Scale bar is 50 μm.