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. 2020 Dec 19;11:100192. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2020.100192

Table 5.

Outcome measurements sorted by age of outcome assessment.

Parameter Age of outcome assessment Increased No effect Decreased
IL-1α Prenatal Pratt, 2013 Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Horváth, 2019
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P14 Hip] Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
Garay, 2013 [P7 blood]
[P14 FC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P60 FC]
Krstic, 2012 [Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 Hip]
Krstic, 2012 [NeC]
IL-1β Prenatal Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Corradini, 2018 [6 ​h Mg2+ run]
[6 ​h]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 6 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
Meyer, 2008 [brain]
Vuillermot, 2017
Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G16]
Corradini, 2018 [3 ​h]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Horváth, 2019
Meyer, 2005 [2.5 ​mg]
[5 ​mg]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 6 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
Missault, 2014 [G9 2 ​mg]
[G9 4 ​mg]
[G9 8 ​mg]
[G15 2 ​mg]
[G15 4 ​mg]
[G15 8 ​mg]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
[batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Nakamura, 2019 [brain]
Pratt, 2013 [gene]
Wang, 2019
Corradini, 2018 [24 ​h]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 3 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 FC]
[P7 blood]
Krstic, 2012
Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 Hip]
Hollins, 2018
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Post-weaning Ding, 2019 [P40 FC]
[P40 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
Giovanoli, 2016 [P90 Hip]
Hui, 2018 [M CeC]
Krstic, 2012 [P90-150 blood]
[P450 blood]
[P450 Hip]
Mattei, 2014 [Hip]
Zhao, 2019
Clark, 2019 [P36]
Ding, 2019 [P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Duchatel, 2018 [G10]
Garay, 2013 [P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2013 [P41 Hip]
[P70 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2015 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P150 a blood]
[P150 a Hip]
[P150 b blood]
[P660 a blood]
[P660 a Hip]
[P660 b blood]
Giovanoli, 2016 [P40 blood]
[P40 Hip]
[P90 blood]
Hui, 2018 [F CeC]
[F Cer]
[F Hip]
[M Hip]
MacDowell, 2017
Mattei, 2014 [Cer]
Meyer, 2008 [CPu]
[Hip dorsal]
[Hip ventral]
Nakamura, 2019 [FC]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Volk, 2015 [G11-13]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
Hui, 2018 [M Cer]
IL-2 Prenatal Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Arsenault, 2014 [blood] Arsenault, 2014 [brain]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Post-weaning Rose, 2017 [P395] Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P30]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P70]
IL-4 Prenatal Pratt, 2013 Ehninger, 2014 [6.5 ​h] Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
Pre-weaning Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P7 blood]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
Post-weaning Clark, 2019 [P61]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2015 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P150 blood]
[P150 Hip]
[P660 blood]
[P660 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2016 [P40 blood]
[P40 Hip]
[P90 blood]
[P90 Hip]
Zhao, 2019
Clark, 2019 [P36]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
IL-5 Prenatal Ehninger, 2014 [6.5 ​h] Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
Pre-weaning Arsenault, 2014 [blood] Arsenault, 2014 [brain]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
Garay, 2013 [P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
IL-6 Prenatal Connor, 2012 [G12.5 3 ​h]
Corradini, 2018 [6 ​h Mg2+ run]
[6 ​h]
Horváth, 2019
Lipina, 2013 [2.5 ​mg]
[5 ​mg]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
Meyer, 2008
Mueller, 2019 [batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Nakamura, 2019 [gene]
Pratt, 2013 [gene]
Vuillermot, 2017
Wang, 2019
Wu, 2015 [a]
Zhao, 2019 [10 ​mg brain]
[10 ​mg Hip]
Connor, 2012 [G12.5 6 ​h]
[G17.5 3 ​h]
[G17.5 6 ​h]
Corradini, 2018 [3 ​h]
[24 ​h]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
Missault, 2014 [G9 2 ​mg]
[G9 4 ​mg]
[G9 8 ​mg]
[G15 2 ​mg]
[G15 4 ​mg]
[G15 8 ​mg]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
Pratt, 2013 [protein]
Ratnayake, 2014 [G20]
Zhao, 2019 [1 ​mg brain]
[1 ​mg Cer]
[1 ​mg FC]
[1 ​mg Hip]
[5 ​mg brain]
[5 ​mg Cer]
[5 ​mg FC]
[5 ​mg Hip]
[10 ​mg Cer]
[10 ​mg FC]
Pre-weaning Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P14 Hip]
Arsenault, 2014 [brain]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Murray, 2019 [F]
Garay, 2013 [P7 CiC]
Post-weaning Ding, 2019 [P40 FC]
[P40 Hip]
[P60 FC]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P60 FC]
Krstic, 2012 [Hip]
MacDowell, 2017
Zhao, 2019 [gene]
Clark, 2019 [P36]
Ding, 2019 [P60 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2013 [P41 blood]
Giovanoli, 2015 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P150 a blood]
[P150 a Hip]
[P150 b blood]
[P660 a blood]
[P660 a Hip]
[P660 b blood]
Giovanoli, 2016 [P40 blood]
[P40 Hip]
[P90 blood]
[P90 Hip]
Hollins, 2018 [P84]
Hui, 2018 [F CeC]
[F Cer]
[F Hip]
[M CeC]
[M Cer]
[M Hip]
Krstic, 2012 [NeC]
Mandal, 2013
Murray, 2019
Nakamura, 2019 [FC]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P70]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Volk, 2015 [G11-13]
Yee, 2011
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P30]
IL-10 Prenatal Meyer, 2006 [G17 3 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G16]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Horváth, 2019
Meyer, 2005 [2.5 ​mg]
[5 ​mg]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
Meyer, 2008
Missault, 2014 [G9 2 ​mg]
[G9 4 ​mg]
[G9 8 ​mg]
[G15 2 ​mg]
[G15 4 ​mg]
[G15 8 ​mg]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
[batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Pratt, 2013
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 FC] Arsenault, 2014 [brain]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P14 blood]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
Clark, 2019 [P61]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 Hip]
MacDowell, 2017
Mandal, 2013
Meyer, 2008 [CPu]
[Hip dorsal]
[Hip ventral]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P30]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Clark, 2019 [P36]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
Zhao, 2019
IL-12 (p40) Prenatal Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P7 blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P7 FC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
IL-13 Prenatal Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G16] Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P14 FC]
Post-weaning Rose, 2017 [P395] Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose 2017 [P1338]
IL-17 Prenatal Wang, 2019 Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Corradini, 2018
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
[batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P7 CiC] Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P14 CiC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
IFN-γ Prenatal Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC]
[P7 blood]
Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P60 CiC]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Zhao, 2019
Clark, 2019 [P36]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P30]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P70]
TNF-α Prenatal Arsenault, 2014
Meyer, 2006 [G17 6 ​h]
Meyer, 2008
Mueller, 2019 [batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Vuillermot, 2017
Zhao, 2019 [10 ​mg brain]
[10 ​mg Hip]
Ehninger, 2014 [6.5 ​h]
Gilmore, 2005 [2 ​h brain]
[8 ​h brain]
[8 ​h liver & spleen]
[24 ​h brain]
[24 ​h liver & spleen]
Meyer, 2006 [G9 3 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
[G9 6 ​h]
[G17 3 ​h]
[G17 6 ​h]
Missault, 2014 [G9 2 ​mg]
[G9 4 ​mg]
[G9 8 ​mg]
[G15 2 ​mg]
[G15 4 ​mg]
[G15 8 ​mg]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
Nakamura, 2019
Pratt, 2013 [gene]
Wang, 2019
Zhao, 2019 [1 ​mg Cer]
[1 ​mg FC]
[1 ​mg Hip]
[5 ​mg brain]
[5 ​mg Cer]
[5 ​mg FC]
[5 ​mg Hip]
[10 ​mg Cer]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
Gilmore, 2005 [2 ​h liver & spleen]
Meyer, 2006 [G17 3 ​h]
Ratnayake, 2014 [G20]
Zhao, 2019 [1 ​mg brain]
[10 ​mg FC]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P7 blood]
[P14 blood]
Arsenault, 2014 [P10 a]
[P10 b]
[P10 blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Gilmore, 2005 [P7]
Hollins, 2018 [P7]
Gilmore, 2005 [P1]
Post-weaning Clark, 2019 [P36]
Ding, 2019 [P60 FC]
Han, 2011
MacDowell, 2017
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Clark, 2019 [P61]
Ding, 2019 [P40 FC]
[P40 Hip]
[P60 Hip]
Duchatel, 2018 [G10]
Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2013 [P41 blood]
[P41 Hip]
[P70 Hip]
Giovanoli, 2015 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P150 a blood]
[P150 a Hip]
[P150 b blood]
[P660 a blood]
[P660 a Hip]
[P660 b blood]
Giovanoli, 2016 [P40 blood]
[P40 Hip]
[P90 blood]
[P90 Hip]
Hollins, 2018 [P84]
Krstic, 2012 [Hip]
Mattei, 2014 [Cer]
Nakamura, 2019 [FC]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P70]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Zhao, 2019
Nakamura, 2019 [Hip]
Pacheco-Lopez, 2013 [P30]
MCP-1 Prenatal Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G16]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Openshaw, 2019
Pratt, 2013
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC] Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 FC]
[P7 blood]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Post-weaning Rose, 2017 [P1338] Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Garay, 2013 [P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
MIP-1α Prenatal Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17] Ehninger, 2014 [6.5 ​h] Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G16]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P7 Hip] Arsenault, 2014
Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P7 blood]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 Hip]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P1338]
Garay, 2013 [P30 Hip]
RANTES Prenatal Openshaw, 2019
Pratt, 2013
Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P7 blood]
Arsenault, 2014 [blood]
Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Garay, 2013 [P14 Hip]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
GM-CSF Prenatal Pratt, 2013 Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P0 FC] Garay, 2013 [P0 CiC]
[P0 Hip]
[P7 blood]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P7 Hip]
[P14 blood]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P14 CiC]
[P14 FC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]
Rose, 2017 [P395]
Garay, 2013 [P30 FC]
CXCL1 Prenatal Horváth, 2019
Mueller, 2019 [batch 2]
[batch 3]
[batch 4]
[batch HMW]
[batch LMW]
Arrode-Brusés, 2012 [G17]
Ehninger, 2014 [2 ​h]
[6.5 ​h]
Mueller, 2019 [batch 1]
Pre-weaning Garay, 2013 [P7 blood]
[P7 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P0 blood]
[P0 CiC]
[P0 FC]
[P7 CiC]
[P7 FC]
[P14 blood]
[P14 FC]
[P14 Hip]
Garay, 2013 [P0 Hip]
[P14 CiC]
Post-weaning Garay, 2013 [P30 blood]
[P30 CiC]
[P30 FC]
[P30 Hip]
[P60 blood]
[P60 CiC]
[P60 FC]
[P60 Hip]

Entries indicated in blue represent protein expression data, all other entries represent gene expression data.

CeC = Cerebral cortex; Cer ​= ​Cerebellum; CiC ​= ​Cingulate cortex; CPu = Caudate putamen; CXCL = Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand; F= Female; FC = Frontal cortex; G ​= ​Gestational day; GM-CSF ​= ​Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; Hip ​= ​Hippocampus; HMW ​= ​high molecular weight; IFN = Interferon; IL = Interleukin; LMW ​= ​low molecular weight; M ​= ​Male; MCP ​= ​Monocyte chemoattractant protein; MIP ​= ​Macrophage inflammatory protein; NeC = Neocortex; P = Postnatal day; RANTES ​= ​Regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted; TNF ​= ​Tumor necrosis factor.