Population summary and individual preparations in which both input and output were measured in the same hemibulbs of awake or anesthetized mice. Measurements are shown as the response to the third odor pulse normalized to the ΔF/F amplitude evoked by the first. A, Signal size measurements from identified glomeruli that were present in both input and output for 16 preparations. Lines show the direction of the same glomeruli for input and output. Preparations 1–13 and 14–16 were conducted in awake and anesthetized mice, respectively. Between 1 and 39 glomeruli were measured in each preparation (15 ± 2.6). Input was measured using Cal-590 dextran or GCaMP3 in 11 and 5 preparations, respectively. Output was measured using GCaMP6f, jRGECO1a, or jRCaMP1a in 11, 3, and 2 preparations, respectively. The sensors and odorant for each preparation are given in Table 1. B, Quantification of signal size across the population of all 16 preparations; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005.