Table 2.
Resectability criteria
Resectability status
Borderline resectable
Locally advanced
Arterial involvement | Celiac artery | None | ≤ 180°; > 180°, without involvement of aorta o GDA (body/tail) | >180° (head/uncinate); Solid tumor contact with CA and aorta |
SMA common hepatic artery | None | ≤ 180°; Solit tumor contact without extension into CA or hepatic artery biforcation | > 180° | |
Venous involvement (portal vein/smv) | None; ≤ 180° contact without contour irregularity | > 180°; ≤ 180° with contour irregularity or thrombosis, with reconstructible PV/SMV; Solid tumor contact with IVC | Unreconstractible PV/SMV due to tumor involvement or occlusion |
CA: Celiac artery; GDA: Gastroduodenal artery; IVC: Inferior vena cava; PV: Portal vein; SMA: Superior mesenteric artery; SMV: Superior mesenteric vein.