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. 2021 Jul 29;10(15):e020425. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020425

Table 2.

Patient Demographic and Clinical Characteristics by Post‐Acute Discharge Setting Concordance/Discordance (n=25 500)

Setting Concordance, N (%)

N=20 243 (79.4%)

Setting Discordance, N (%)

N=5257 (20.6%)


n=25 500

Age, y (%)
18–55 1177 (5.8) 315 (6.0) 1492 (5.9)
56–65 2870 (14.2) 861 (16.4) 3731 (14.6)
66–75 4875 (24.1) 1314 (25.0) 6189 (24.3)
76–85 6172 (30.5) 1556 (29.6) 7728 (30.3)
86+ 5149 (25.4) 1211 (23.0) 6360 (24.9)
Sex, n (%)
Male 9204 (45.5) 2374 (45.2) 11 578 (45.4)
Female 11 039 (54.5) 2883 (54.8) 13 922 (54.6)
Race, n (%)
White 18 064 (89.2) 4620 (87.9) 22 684 (89.0)
Black 1990 (9.8) 586 (11.2) 2576 (10.1)
Other 189 (0.9) 51 (1.0) 240 (0.9)
Marital status, n (%)
Married 9115 (45.0) 2343 (44.6) 11 458 (44.9)
Divorced/Widowed 7929 (39.2) 2066 (39.3) 9995 (39.2)
Single 3199 (15.8) 848 (16.1) 4047 (15.9)
Insurance, n (%)
Commercial 4217 (20.8) 1016 (19.3) 5233 (20.5)
Medicare 14 705 (72.6) 3845 (73.1) 18 550 (72.8)
Medicaid 1061 (5.2) 313 (6.0) 1374 (5.4)
Self‐pay 29 (0.1) 12 (0.2) 41 (0.2)
Other 231 (1.1) 71 (1.4) 302 (1.2)
Median income by ZIP code, mean (SD)

47 949.7

(15 738.0)

46 988.8

(15 838.9)

47 751.6

(15 763.3)

Hospital LOS, median (IQR) 6.9 (4.4–10.9) 5.7 (3.8–8.8) 6.7 (4.2–8.8)
% ICU use (%) 6210 (30.7) 1268 (24.1) 7478 (29.3)
Mean (SD) ICU days* 5.1 (7.1) 3.7 (4.0) 4.8 (6.7)
AM‐PAC mobility, n (%)
6 (total assistance) 1297 (6.4) 244 (4.6) 1541 (6.0)
7–15 (major limitations) 5812 (28.7) 1301 (24.8) 7113 (27.9)
16–19 (moderate limitations) 5996 (29.6) 1718 (32.7) 7714 (30.3)
20–23 (minor limitations) 3766 (18.6) 1193 (22.7) 4959 (19.5)
24 (total independence) 2274 (11.2) 576 (11.0) 2850 (11.2)
Missing, n (%) 1098 (5.4) 225 (4.3) 1323 (5.2)
AM‐PAC ADLs, n (%)
6 (total assistance) 1154 (5.7) 228 (4.3) 1382 (5.4)
7–15 (major limitations) 4876 (24.1) 1094 (20.8) 5970 (23.4)
16–19 (moderate limitations) 4775 (23.6) 1262 (24.0) 6037 (23.7)
20–23 (minor limitations) 4312 (21.3) 1353 (25.7) 5665 (22.2)
24 (total independence) 4028 (19.9) 1095 (20.8) 5123 (20.1)
Missing, n (%) 1098 (5.4) 225 (4.3) 1323 (5.2)
Diagnoses, n (%)
Peripheral vascular disease 5401 (26.7) 1385 (26.4) 6786 (26.6)
Chronic pulmonary disease 9027 (44.6) 2541 (48.3) 11 568 (45.4)
Diabetes mellitus (complicated) 6751 (33.4) 1849 (35.2) 8600 (33.7)
Renal failure 8250 (40.8) 2249 (42.8) 10 499 (41.2)
Liver disease 1399 (6.9) 364 (6.9) 1763 (6.9)
Coagulopathy 2403 (11.9) 527 (10.0) 2930 (11.5)
Obesity 4907 (24.2) 1348 (25.6) 6255 (24.5)
Blood loss anemia 349 (1.7) 85 (1.6) 434 (1.7)
Alcohol abuse 661 (3.3) 192 (3.7) 853 (3.4)
Drug abuse 389 (1.9) 122 (2.3) 511 (2.0)
Depression 5008 (24.7) 1286 (24.5) 6294 (24.7)
Neurological 3529 (17.4) 802 (15.3) 4331 (17.0)
Cancer 1646 (8.1) 421 (8.0) 2067 (8.1)
Severity of illness, n (%)
Minor 298 (1.5) 56 (1.1) 354 (1.4)
Moderate 4136 (20.4) 1133 (21.6) 5269 (20.7)
Major 11 068 (54.7) 3140 (59.7) 14 208 (55.7)
Extreme 4741 (23.4) 928 (17.7) 5669 (22.2)
Risk of mortality, n (%)
Minor 75 (0.4) 32 (0.6) 107 (0.4)
Moderate 5946 (29.4) 1603 (30.5) 7549 (29.6)
Major 9804 (48.4) 2716 (51.7) 12 520 (49.1)
Extreme 4418 (21.8) 906 (17.2) 5324 (20.9)
Elixhauser comorbidity index, mean (SD) 6.8 (2.2) 6.8 (2.1) 6.8 (2.1)
Median (IQR) 7 (5–8) 7 (5–8) 7 (5–8)
Number of therapist visits, n (%)
Low (1–3) 5085 (25.1) 1867 (35.5) 6952 (27.3)
Med (4–6) 7564 (37.4) 2122 (40.4) 9686 (38.0)
High (7+) 7594 (37.5) 1268 (24.1) 8862 (34.8)
Visits by therapists, mean (SD)
PT total visits 4.3 (3.3) 3.6 (2.5) 4.2 (3.2)
OT total visits 2.6 (2.8) 1.9 (2.3) 2.5 (2.7)
30‐day readmission, n (%) 4719 (23.1) 1322 (25.2) 6041 (23.7)
Days to readmission, mean (SD) 12.7 (8.6) 12.9 (8.8) 12.8 (8.7)

ADLs indicates activities of daily living; AM‐PAC, Activity Measure for Post‐Acute Care; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, lemgth of stay; OT, occupational therapist; and PT, physical therapist.


Conditional on ICU use.


Other indicates American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Unknown