Table 2.
Setting Concordance, N (%) N=20 243 (79.4%) |
Setting Discordance, N (%) N=5257 (20.6%) |
Total n=25 500 |
Age, y (%) | |||
18–55 | 1177 (5.8) | 315 (6.0) | 1492 (5.9) |
56–65 | 2870 (14.2) | 861 (16.4) | 3731 (14.6) |
66–75 | 4875 (24.1) | 1314 (25.0) | 6189 (24.3) |
76–85 | 6172 (30.5) | 1556 (29.6) | 7728 (30.3) |
86+ | 5149 (25.4) | 1211 (23.0) | 6360 (24.9) |
Sex, n (%) | |||
Male | 9204 (45.5) | 2374 (45.2) | 11 578 (45.4) |
Female | 11 039 (54.5) | 2883 (54.8) | 13 922 (54.6) |
Race, n (%) | |||
White | 18 064 (89.2) | 4620 (87.9) | 22 684 (89.0) |
Black | 1990 (9.8) | 586 (11.2) | 2576 (10.1) |
Other‡ | 189 (0.9) | 51 (1.0) | 240 (0.9) |
Marital status, n (%) | |||
Married | 9115 (45.0) | 2343 (44.6) | 11 458 (44.9) |
Divorced/Widowed | 7929 (39.2) | 2066 (39.3) | 9995 (39.2) |
Single | 3199 (15.8) | 848 (16.1) | 4047 (15.9) |
Insurance, n (%) | |||
Commercial | 4217 (20.8) | 1016 (19.3) | 5233 (20.5) |
Medicare | 14 705 (72.6) | 3845 (73.1) | 18 550 (72.8) |
Medicaid | 1061 (5.2) | 313 (6.0) | 1374 (5.4) |
Self‐pay | 29 (0.1) | 12 (0.2) | 41 (0.2) |
Other | 231 (1.1) | 71 (1.4) | 302 (1.2) |
Median income by ZIP code, mean (SD) |
47 949.7 (15 738.0) |
46 988.8 (15 838.9) |
47 751.6 (15 763.3) |
Hospital LOS, median (IQR) | 6.9 (4.4–10.9) | 5.7 (3.8–8.8) | 6.7 (4.2–8.8) |
% ICU use (%) | 6210 (30.7) | 1268 (24.1) | 7478 (29.3) |
Mean (SD) ICU days* | 5.1 (7.1) | 3.7 (4.0) | 4.8 (6.7) |
AM‐PAC mobility, n (%) | |||
6 (total assistance) | 1297 (6.4) | 244 (4.6) | 1541 (6.0) |
7–15 (major limitations) | 5812 (28.7) | 1301 (24.8) | 7113 (27.9) |
16–19 (moderate limitations) | 5996 (29.6) | 1718 (32.7) | 7714 (30.3) |
20–23 (minor limitations) | 3766 (18.6) | 1193 (22.7) | 4959 (19.5) |
24 (total independence) | 2274 (11.2) | 576 (11.0) | 2850 (11.2) |
Missing, n (%) | 1098 (5.4) | 225 (4.3) | 1323 (5.2) |
AM‐PAC ADLs, n (%) | |||
6 (total assistance) | 1154 (5.7) | 228 (4.3) | 1382 (5.4) |
7–15 (major limitations) | 4876 (24.1) | 1094 (20.8) | 5970 (23.4) |
16–19 (moderate limitations) | 4775 (23.6) | 1262 (24.0) | 6037 (23.7) |
20–23 (minor limitations) | 4312 (21.3) | 1353 (25.7) | 5665 (22.2) |
24 (total independence) | 4028 (19.9) | 1095 (20.8) | 5123 (20.1) |
Missing, n (%) | 1098 (5.4) | 225 (4.3) | 1323 (5.2) |
Diagnoses, n (%) | |||
Peripheral vascular disease | 5401 (26.7) | 1385 (26.4) | 6786 (26.6) |
Chronic pulmonary disease | 9027 (44.6) | 2541 (48.3) | 11 568 (45.4) |
Diabetes mellitus (complicated) | 6751 (33.4) | 1849 (35.2) | 8600 (33.7) |
Renal failure | 8250 (40.8) | 2249 (42.8) | 10 499 (41.2) |
Liver disease | 1399 (6.9) | 364 (6.9) | 1763 (6.9) |
Coagulopathy | 2403 (11.9) | 527 (10.0) | 2930 (11.5) |
Obesity | 4907 (24.2) | 1348 (25.6) | 6255 (24.5) |
Blood loss anemia | 349 (1.7) | 85 (1.6) | 434 (1.7) |
Alcohol abuse | 661 (3.3) | 192 (3.7) | 853 (3.4) |
Drug abuse | 389 (1.9) | 122 (2.3) | 511 (2.0) |
Depression | 5008 (24.7) | 1286 (24.5) | 6294 (24.7) |
Neurological | 3529 (17.4) | 802 (15.3) | 4331 (17.0) |
Cancer | 1646 (8.1) | 421 (8.0) | 2067 (8.1) |
Severity of illness, n (%) | |||
Minor | 298 (1.5) | 56 (1.1) | 354 (1.4) |
Moderate | 4136 (20.4) | 1133 (21.6) | 5269 (20.7) |
Major | 11 068 (54.7) | 3140 (59.7) | 14 208 (55.7) |
Extreme | 4741 (23.4) | 928 (17.7) | 5669 (22.2) |
Risk of mortality, n (%) | |||
Minor | 75 (0.4) | 32 (0.6) | 107 (0.4) |
Moderate | 5946 (29.4) | 1603 (30.5) | 7549 (29.6) |
Major | 9804 (48.4) | 2716 (51.7) | 12 520 (49.1) |
Extreme | 4418 (21.8) | 906 (17.2) | 5324 (20.9) |
Elixhauser comorbidity index, mean (SD) | 6.8 (2.2) | 6.8 (2.1) | 6.8 (2.1) |
Median (IQR) | 7 (5–8) | 7 (5–8) | 7 (5–8) |
Number of therapist visits, n (%) | |||
Low (1–3) | 5085 (25.1) | 1867 (35.5) | 6952 (27.3) |
Med (4–6) | 7564 (37.4) | 2122 (40.4) | 9686 (38.0) |
High (7+) | 7594 (37.5) | 1268 (24.1) | 8862 (34.8) |
Visits by therapists, mean (SD) | |||
PT total visits | 4.3 (3.3) | 3.6 (2.5) | 4.2 (3.2) |
OT total visits | 2.6 (2.8) | 1.9 (2.3) | 2.5 (2.7) |
30‐day readmission, n (%) | 4719 (23.1) | 1322 (25.2) | 6041 (23.7) |
Days to readmission†, mean (SD) | 12.7 (8.6) | 12.9 (8.8) | 12.8 (8.7) |
ADLs indicates activities of daily living; AM‐PAC, Activity Measure for Post‐Acute Care; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, lemgth of stay; OT, occupational therapist; and PT, physical therapist.
Conditional on ICU use.
Other indicates American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Unknown