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. 2021 Sep 25;12(11):2891–2905. doi: 10.1007/s13300-021-01141-8

Table 2.

Changes in primary and secondary endpoints from baseline to EOS in the EAS and FASa

nb Baseline mean (SD) Mean at EOSc Change from baseline (95% CI) p-value nb Baseline mean (SD) Mean at EOSc Change from baseline (95% CI) p-value
HbA1c (mmol/mol) 149 72.1 (16.8) 55.8

− 16.3

(− 18.22, − 14.37)

 < 0.0001 183 72.9 (17.6) 56.8

− 16.6

(− 18.41, − 14.75)

 < 0.0001
HbA1c (%-point) 149 8.7 ( 1.5) 7.3

− 1.5

(− 1.67, − 1.31)

 < 0.0001 183 8.8 (1.6) 7.4

− 1.5

(− 1.68, − 1.35)

 < 0.0001
Body weight (kg) 149 108.4 (24.6) 102.6

− 5.8

(− 6.75, − 4.94)

 < 0.0001 161 108.6 (25.9) 103.0

− 5.6

(− 6.48, 4.71)

 < 0.0001
Waist circumference(cm) 118 118.6 (17.3) 112.8

− 5.8

(− 7.05, − 4.55)

 < 0.0001 128 119.0 (17.4) 113.2

− 5.9

(− 7.07, − 4.64)

 < 0.0001

Data shown are in-study values

CI confidence interval, EAS effectiveness analysis set, EOS end of study, FAS full analysis set, HbA1c glycated haemoglobin, SD standard deviation

aChanges in HbA1c in the FAS were determined using a mixed model for repeated measurements

bNumbers of patients refer to those included in the analysis

cMean values for EOS are estimated means