A) Within-mtDNA pair-wise correlation coefficients across all 213 tested variants with expected case count of alternative genotype individuals > 20. Axis labels represent mtDNA coordinates, color represents
. (
B) Quantile-quantile plot of p-values for all tested variant-trait pairs (21 traits x ~213 variants = ~4473 tests) using linear regression for all traits while controlling for baseline characteristics (first 20 PCs of nuclear genotype matrix, age, sex, age*sex, age
2*sex) as well as array type. (
C) Quantile-quantile plot of all tested variant-trait pairs for all traits using linear regression, controlling only for baseline characteristics. (
D) Quantile-quantile plot of all tested variant-trait pairs using linear regression for continuous traits and logistic regression for binary traits, controlling only for baseline characteristics. Red line represents expected null p-values following the uniform distribution and shaded ribbon represents 95% CI. (
E) Visualization of mtDNA variants and associations with serum creatinine and aspartate aminotransferase levels. The outer-most track represents the genetic architecture of the circular mtDNA. The heatmap track represents the number of individuals with alternate genotype on log scale. The inner track represents mitochondrial genome-wide association p-values, with radial angle corresponding to position on the mtDNA and magnitude representing –log
10 p-value. Dotted line represents Bonferroni cutoff for all tested trait-variant pairs, using the same threshold as used in
Figure 2C. mtDNA-GWAS summary statistics are available in
Source data 2.