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. 2021 Jun 22;17(4):e13219. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13219


Characteristics of 274 participants who responded to administered instrument items: Health Professionals' Beliefs about Skin‐to‐Skin Care During a Cesarean (SSCB©)

Characteristics n (%)
Female 220 (80%)
Male 29 (11%)
Did not respond 25 (9%)
Age group
21–30 37 (14%)
31–40 59 (22%)
41–50 68 (25%)
51–60 63 (23%)
61–70 23 (8%)
Did not disclose 24 (9%)
Years in practice
<1 year 14 (5%)
1–5 years 36 (13%)
6–10 years 41 (15%)
11–20 years 66 (24%)
21–30 50 (18%)
>30 41 (15%)
Did not respond 26 (10%)
Practice role (categorized)
RN TOTAL 127 (66%)
CNM 7 (6%)
CRNA 7 (6%)
Charge nurse 7 (6%)
Lactation consultant 4 (3%)
RN director 6 (5%)
RN manager 12 (9%)
RN 84 (66%)
Physician TOTAL 47 (17%)
Anesthesiologist 10 (21%)
MFM 1 (2%)
Neonatologist 7 (15%)
Obstetrician 18 (38%)
Paediatrician 11 (23%)
Multiple positions/other TOTAL 26 (28%
Did not respond TOTAL 24 (9%)
Practice location in USA (31 states)
Texas 108 (39%)
California 17 (6%)
Virginia 15 (5%)
North Carolina 12 (4%)
Wisconsin 11 (4%)
Ohio 8 (3%)
New York 6 (2%)
Maryland 5 (2%)
Pennsylvania 5 (2%)
Washington 5 (2%)
18 other states 37 (14%)
Multiple practice states 7 (3%)
Did not respond 33 (12%)
Average monthly births at facility
<100 18 (7%)
100–199 70 (26%)
200–299 44 (16%)
300–399 22 (8%)
400–499 11 (4%)
500–999 21 (8%)
>1000 24 (9%)
I don't know 38 (14%)
Did not respond 26 (10%)
Frequency of SSC provided in the OR
Never 29 (11%)
Rarely 42 (16%)
Sometimes 76 (28%)
Often 53 (19%)
All of the time 41 (15%)
Did not respond 32 (12%)
Baby‐Friendly hospital?
Yes 148 (58%)
No 75 (27%)
I don't know 25 (9%)
Did not respond 26 (10%)
Magnet® recognized hospital?
Yes 69 (25%)
No 126 (46%)
I don't know 55 (20%)
Did not respond 24 (9%)

Abbreviations: Baby‐Friendly, designated as a Baby‐Friendly facility by Baby‐Friendly USA; CNM, certified nurse midwife; CRNA, certified registered nurse anaesthetist; OR, operating room or operating theatre; Magnet® recognized, designated as Magnet® recognized hospital by the America Nurses Credentialing Center; MFM, maternal–fetal medicine; RN, registered nurse; 18 other states, 1% or fewer from Arkansas, Illinois, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Oregon, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New México and South Carolina.