A. Relative mRNA levels of glucagon and insulin following 48 h incubation with increasing doses of FoxOi, as measured by RT-qPCR. B. Western blot highlighting the increase in glucagon protein levels after 48 h incubation with increasing concentrations of FoxOi. C. Intracellular insulin protein concentrations in Min6 cells following 48 h FoxOi treatment, at different concentrations, as measured by ELISA. D. Measurement of glucagon immunofluorescence intensity in single Min6 cells treated with increasing concentrations of FoxOi for 48 h. E. Representative images of Min6 cells stained for insulin and glucagon after 48h FoxOi treatment followed by 48 h washing off of the compound. Scale bars = 10 μm. F. Western blot showing the overexpression of FoxO1. G. Glucagon-positive cell fractions in Min6 cells treated with FoxO inhibitor, with and without overexpression of FoxO1 constitutively active construct, as measured by immunofluorescence. H. Quantification of SFig. 1G. L = low levels of FoxO1-ADA; H = high levels of FoxO1-ADA I. GSEA showing general co-upregulation of similar genes in both FoxOi treated Min6 cells and the FoxO triple knockout mouse[10].