Monocytes | Observation | Analyzed patients | Compared group(s) | References |
Classical CD14++CD16- monocytes | Reduction (%) | Hospitalized | HD | Zhou R. et al., 2020 |
Reduction (%) | Convalescent | HD | Zhou R. et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Pneumonia | HD | Zingaropoli et al., 2021 | |
No change (%) | Mild$ | Convalescent | Neeland et al., 2021 | |
Classical CD14+CD16- monocytes | No change (%) | Severe& | Mild* | Carsetti et al., 2020 |
No change (%) | Severe& | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Severe& | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Asymptomatic | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
CD14+CD16+ non-classical monocytes | Reduction (%) | Pneumonia | HD | Zingaropoli et al., 2021 |
Reduction (%) | ARDS | Non-ARDS | Zingaropoli et al., 2021 | |
CD14-CD16+ non-classical monocytes | Reduction (%) | Severe& | Mild* | Carsetti et al., 2020 |
Reduction (%) | Severe& | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
Reduction (%) | Severe& | Contacts | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Asymptomatic | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
CD14lowCD16+ non-classical monocytes | Reduction (%) | Mild$ | Convalescent | Neeland et al., 2021 |
CD14lowCD16++ non-classical monocytes | Reduction (%) | Severe§ | HD | Kvedaraite et al., 2021 |
CD14++CD16+ intermediate monocytes | Reduction (%) | Pneumonia | HD | Zingaropoli et al., 2021 |
CD14+CD16+ intermediate monocytes | Increase (%) | Moderate@ | HD | Kvedaraite et al., 2021 |
CD14+CD16+ intermediate monocytes | Increase (%) | Severe§ | HD | Kvedaraite et al., 2021 |
CD14+CD16+/– intermediate monocytes | No change (%) | Severe& | Mild* | Carsetti et al., 2020 |
No change (%) | Severe& | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Severe& | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Asymptomatic | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Mild* | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 | |
No change (%) | Asymptomatic | Contacts+ | Carsetti et al., 2020 |
(%), as frequency values; HD, healthy donors; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asymptomatic patients who tested positive but had no symptoms.
$Including coryza, headaches, nausea, fever, cough, sore throat, malaise, headaches, and muscle aches.
§Treated at the intensive care unit -ICU- or at a high-dependency unit.
@Oxygen saturation -SO2- between 90 and 94% or 0.5 to 3 L/min oxygen requirement at screening.
&Pneumonia (fever, cough, dyspnoea, fast breathing) plus one of the following: respiratory rate > 30 breaths/min; severe respiratory distress; or SpO2 < 90% on room air. *Patients requiring no hospitalization and experiencing symptoms like with fever, myalgia, and fatigue without obvious chest high resolution computed tomography findings for COVID-19.
+Contacts of SARS-CoV-2 confirmed cases who were negative by qPCR.