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. 2021 Sep 14;12:739637. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.739637



PPARγ does not participate in the pathway of telmisartan-induced insulin secretion and elevation of [Ca2+]i levels (A) Telmisartan (10 μM) potentiated glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in the presence or absence of the PPARγ inhibitor GW9662 (10 μM) (n = 7 tubes of islet). All insulin secretion results are normalized to basal secretion at 2.8 Mm glucose concentration. (B) The trace shows the changes of [Ca2+]i concentration in β-cells treated with GW9662 (10 μM) alone or in combination with telmisartan (Tel 10 μM) under 16.7 mM glucose conditions. (C) The average value during 30 s F340/F380 spikes for each test in response to GW9662 alone or in combination with telmisartan under 16.7 mM glucose conditions as indicated (n = 9 cells). The islets or cells compared between the groups in each graph are collected from the same animal. All results are reported as the means ± SEM. In (A), statistical differences between two groups (with or without telmisartan) were compared using an unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test, and difference among three groups without telmisartan were compared using one-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls method post hoc analysis. In (C), difference among three groups was determined by one-way ANOVA and Tukey Test post hoc analysis. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.