(A) Treatment timeline for ER0075 with metastatic breast adenocarcinoma.
(B) Truncating mutations in BRCA2 and BRIP1 in ER0075.
(C) Relative copy number levels in ER0075. Purple dots indicate homozygous deletion of BRCA1.
(D) Expression of ERBB2 mRNA in ER breast adenocarcinomas (BRCA, n = 10), all other ER (n = 104) and TCGA (n = 4) cohorts. Purple asterisk indicates ER0075; the box marks the 25th and 75th quartiles and the whiskers are 1.5 times the inter-quartile range.
(E) Treatment timeline for ER0399, cholangiocarcinoma.
(F) Location of BRCA2 frameshift mutation (see also Table 1) in case ER0399.
(G) Treatment timeline for ER0483, rectal adenocarcinoma.
(H) Intragenic deletion of exons 7–8 in BRCA1 in case ER0483. BRCA, breast cancer; Ca, carcinoma; Dx, diagnosis; Mb, megabases; PR, partial response; NLS, nuclear localization signal; see legend to Figure 1 for all other abbreviations.