Fig 2. Human electrophysiological data.
A: Simultaneously recorded LFP and multi-units activity. The Filtered LFP (30–50 Hz) of the 81 electrodes are shown together with the spiking times of 91 neurons. Some neurons were recorded by the same electrode, which had its LFP duplicated in the figure. The identification of Gamma bursts was done separately for each electrode. This way, neurons measured in a particular electrode, had their phases and firing rates analyzed exclusively with respect to the rhythm measured in its respective electrode. Spikes of Fast Spiking (FS) neurons, presumably inhibitory, are shown in red, and spikes from Regular Spiking (RS) neurons, presumably excitatory, are shown in green. B: Gamma periods detection. Raw LFP (black), band-pass filtered LFP (yellow) and Hilbert Transform Envelope (red) are shown. Gamma bursts were detected by means of the deviation from the average of the Hilbert Transform envelope (dashed red line) of at least 2 SDs (dotted red line), with a minimum duration of 3 Gamma cycles. The gray shaded region indicates one example of identified Gamma burst. C: Oscillation Phase extraction. The oscillation phases were obtained by the angle of the imaginary part of the Hilbert Transform. The phase distributions of each neuron were computed based on the oscillation phases where each neuron spiked. D: Data organization. Five awake periods could be recorded during one night. Each period had a different total time duration (yellow bars in minutes) and a different average duration of total Gamma occurrences (orange bars in seconds). Since each electrode was analyzed individually, the average indicated in the bars is the average among all the electrodes in the respective segment. E: Percentage of neurons identified as phase-locked in each data segment. The average amount of Phase-locked neurons in the five data segments was of 4% in RS and 17% in FS. RS neurons are shown in green and FS neuron in red. F: Percentage of neurons that increased their firing during Gamma, in each data segment. The average amount neurons in the five data segments which increased their firing during Gamma was of 17% in RS and 47% in FS. Same color scheme as in E.