(a) UV–vis
spectra of 2 at different temperatures
(decalin, cT = 10 μM). (b) Plot
of the variation of the absorbance measured at 519 nm versus cooling
at 1 °C min–1. Red curves correspond to the
fitting to the EQ model. (c) PL spectra of (S)-2 in MCH, toluene, and CHCl3 (λexc = 380 nm, 298 K). The inset shows pictures of the solutions of (S)-2 in MCH, Tol, and CHCl3 used to register the PL spectra without (top samples) and
with illumination (bottom samples). (d) AFM image and (e) height profile
along the green line in (d) of the supramolecular polymers formed
by (R)-2 in MCH onto HOPG
(spin coating; cT = 10 μM, 298 K).