Table 1.
England [1] | Spain [4] | Australia [5] | The Netherlands (Stadhouders et al. [7]) | The Netherlands (van Baal et al. [6]) | Sweden [8] | South Africa [9] | China [10] | |
Part 1 | ||||||||
Dependent variable | Mortality-based disease-specific aggregated to all-cause YLL | All-cause QALE | Mortality-related all-cause QALYs | Mortality- and morbidity-related disease-specific QALYs | Disease-specific mortality | All-cause mortality | All-cause mortality (crude mortality rate) | All-cause mortality rate and DALYs |
Source of variation | Areas | Areas over time | Areas | Age/sex/disease patient groups over time | Age/sex patient groups over time | Areas over time | Areas over time | Areas |
Econometric approach | IV | Panel fixed effects | IV | Panel fixed effects | First differences | Pooled IV | Panel fixed effects | OLS |
Control variables | Need for healthcare and SES, demographics | SES, health-related and time fixed effects | Need for healthcare, geography and demographics | Number of patients and time trend | Time fixed effects and patient group time trends | SES, demographics, health not amenable to healthcare, time fixed effects | SES, need for healthcare, region and time fixed effects | SES, demographics and region fixed effects |
Part 2 | ||||||||
Measure of morbidity used | EQ-5D | EQ-5D | SF-6D | EQ-5D | SF-6D | EQ-5D | YLD | YLD |
DALYs disability-adjusted life years, EQ-5D EuroQoL-5D, IV instrumental variable, OLS ordinary least squares, QALE quality-adjusted life expectancy, QALY quality-adjusted life-year, SES socioeconomic status, SF-6D Short-Form six-dimension health state, YLD years lived with disability, YLL years of life lost