Figure 1.
IDHmt cell cultures represent the genotype of IDHmt gliomas. (A) Presence of glioma-associated mutations in non-neoplastic control tissue (orange bars), tumor tissue (purple bars), or cell cultures (green bars), determined by whole exome sequencing. Mutation types included are nonsynonymous SNVs (blue squares), stop gains (yellow triangles) and frameshift (red circles). (B, C) Median copy number log ratio plots of IDHmt tissues and cultures (N = 12), and IDHwt tissues and cultures (N = 5) based on global methylation data. The X-axes show chromosome 1–22, the Y-axes show the median ratio of the log2 copy number change. Chromosomal gains and losses are more pronounced in cultures than in tissues, probably due to the absence of noncancerous cells in cultures. (D) Fluorescent image of an early IDH mutant cell culture with two distinct phenotypes: astrocytoma-like cells (three individual cells pointed out by yellow arrows) and fibroblast-like cells (three individual cells pointed out by pink arrows). The scale bar represents 100 μm. (E) Mutations identified in IDHmt tumors GS.0771 and GS0588, and their respective derived cultures. Each tumor resulted in one culture with astrocytoma-like cells and one culture with a fibroblast-like morphology.