Experimental colitis is associated with altered luminal bacterial metatranscriptomes of a simplified consortium of resident intestinal bacterial strains. (A) Concentrations of bacterial species in cecal content from WT and Il10-/- mice colonized with the 8 indicated bacterial strains for 10 weeks. (B) Principle component analysis of bacterial metatranscriptomes in cecal content of the same mice. (C) Hierarchical clustering and Euclidean distances of bacterial metatranscriptomes from each mouse. (D) Transcriptional activity of bacterial strains in cecal content of the same mice. (E) Numbers of differentially expressed genes (≥1.5-fold) in bacterial strains in cecal content of the same mice (n = 5 mice/group, data presented as means ± SD, ∗P < .05 Il10-/- vs WT, Student t test). KO, Il10-/-; nd, not detected; PC, principle component.