Expression of ASGR1 and ASGR2 in mice and cell lines.A, schematic representation of ASGR1, depicting its cytoplasmic N terminus (40 aa), the single transmembrane domain (TM) and its exoplasmic C terminus (∼230 aa) that is composed of a stalk region and a C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) with three reported residues important for carbohydrate binding. B, in situ hybridization of ASGR1 and ASGR2 in mice before and after birth. C, a Tabula Muris Consortium of mouse liver single-cell transcriptomics by RNA Seq ( emphasizes the expression of ASGR1 transcripts in hepatocytes. D, quantitative RT-PCR of ASGR1 and ASGR2 in mouse (m) liver, HepG2-naïve, HepG2-PCSK9-KO, and IHH cells. For each sample analyzed, the ASGR2 mRNA expression was normalized to the one of ASGR1. Quantifications are averages ±SD. ad, adult; CB, cerebellum; CPM, counts per million reads mapped; e, embryonic day; He, hepatocyte (liver); p, postnatal day; (ss), sense (negative control) cRNA probe; Thy, thymus.