Global network alterations in germ-free mice after stroke
(A) Degree distribution (Poisson regression with likelihood ratio test: different curve for each dataset, p < 0.01) and difference in total degree between naive and stroke SPF mice (Student's t test, n.s.).
(B) Degree distribution (Poisson regression with likelihood ratio test: different curve for each dataset, p < 0.001) and difference in total degree (naive – stroke) for GF mice (Student's t test, p < 0.001).
(C) Node strength distribution (Poisson regression with likelihood ratio test: different curve for each dataset, p < 0.01) and difference in total strength (naive – stroke) for SPF mice (Student's t test, p < 0.001).
(D) Node strength distribution (Poisson regression with likelihood ratio test: different curve for each dataset, p < 0.001) and difference in total strength (naive – stroke) for GF mice (Student's t test, p < 0.001).
(E) Global graph theoretical measures for naive and stroke SPF and GF mice, respectively (two-way ANOVA with FDR correction for multiple comparisons).
Data are represented as histogram (counts of mean degree/node strength values) and bar plots (mean and SD with individual data points per animal). naive/stroke: SPF n = 8/7, GF n = 15/7.