Overview of simulated
variants (definitions in main text). (A)
The full-length, fully glycosylated trimeric structure corresponding
to pdb code 6VSB. Protomer A (RBD “up”): secondary structure in green;
protomers B and C (RBD “down”): grey and sand, respectively.
Glycans’ C, N, and O atoms rendered as teal sticks. (B) Positions
and nature of mutations highlighted on protomer A of different variants.
Mutant residues’ heavy atoms are rendered as spheres; a different
color is assigned to each variant, as indicated in the legend. Mutations
common to more than one variant are rendered and/or labeled in black,
with colored asterisks denoting variants carrying the mutation. The
insertion in the PT188-EM variant (cyan) is denoted by “In(248–249)”.
Protomers B and C are also shown with their respective mutations,
but rendered with increased transparency for clarity; glycans are
omitted; (C) synopsis of mutations on the different variants simulated
in this work, including the 11-residue insertion in the PT188-EM variant.