Figure 2.
Proliferation analysis of different cell populations in day 5 aggregates derived from EpiLCs following 24-h BPA exposure. (A) Graphic illustrating BPA exposure and cell differentiation strategy. Uncolored cells represent Blimp1-; Stella-/DN/nongerm cells; yellow cells represent transitioning germ cells; green cells represent PGCLCs. [Illustration in part created with ©BioRender (, per the Biorender terms and conditions.] (B) Scatter-bar plots showing absolute numbers of cells in the different gated subpopulations indicated following exposure of EpiLCs to different BPA concentrations indicated. Plots represent . . For calculated one-way ANOVA with Šidák-adjusted p-values for comparison to control and cell numbers, see Table 2 and Excel Table S8, respectively. (C) FACS contour plots showing cell populations indicated from d5 aggregates. EpiLCs were treated with the conditions indicated for 24 h prior to aggregate formation. (D) Representative histograms showing CellTrace™ Yellow staining profile of the different cell populations indicated. The Y-axis represents the number of cells, whereas the X-axis represents the fluorescence intensity. Recurring cell divisions create the appearance of secondary peaks, which widens the original peak of undivided cells. (E–G) Scatter-bar plots showing proportion of cells in the different populations indicated that remain undivided or have undergone one, two, or three cell divisions in day 5 aggregates. Number of divisions calculated using FlowJo Proliferation tool (version 10; FlowJo, LLC). Scatter plots show . . For calculated one-way ANOVA with Šidák adjusted -values for comparison and cell proportions, see Table 3 and Excel Table S11, respectively. Note: ANOVA, analysis of variance; , basic fibroblast growth factor; BMP4, bone morphogenetic protein 4; BMP8b, bone morphogenetic protein 8b; BPA, bisphenol A; BVSC, B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 Blimp1-mVenus and Stella-ECFP reporter transgenes; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DN, double negative; DP, double positive; EGF, epidermal growth factor; ESC, embryonic stem cell; EpiLC, epiblast-like cell; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; KSR, knockout serum replacement; PGC, primordial germ cell; PGCLC, PGC-like cell; SP, single positive.