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. 2021 Sep 29;129(9):097013. doi: 10.1289/EHP8196

Figure 3.

Figure 3A is scale labeled day, ranging from 0 to 10 in unit increments, illustrating Bisphenol A exposure. There is a cartoon illustration titled embryonic stem cell placed between 1 and 2 days, another cartoon illustration titled epiblast-like cell placed approximately between 3.5 to 4 days, and third cartoon illustration titled P G C-like cell placed between 7 and 8 days. Days 0 to 3 are titled uppercase n 2 b27 positive C H I R 99021 P D O 325901 leukemia inhibitory factor, Days 3 to 5 are titled uppercase n 2 b 27 positive Activin A lowercase beta fibroblast growth factor KnockOut Serum Replacement, and Days 5 to 10 are titled G K 15 positive B M P 4 or 8b stem cell factor leukemia inhibitory factor epidermal growth factor. Day 5 represents R N A-Seq (epiblast-like cell), and Day 10 represents R N A-Seq (P G C-like cell). Figure 3B is two heatmaps titled Untreated and 100 nanomolar Bisphenol A plotting, from top to bottom, Nanog, D n m t1, Sox2, Pou5f1, U h r f1, T fap 2c, D p p a 3, D n m t 3A, P r d m 14, D a z l, M y c, D N d1, D d x 4, Td r d 5, and Nanos 3 for counts per million (log to the base 10) ranging from 1.0 to 2.5 in increments of 0.5. Figure 3C is a graph plotting principal component 2, ranging from negative 200 to 200 in increments of 100 (y-axis) across principal component 1, ranging from negative 200 to 200 in increments of 100 (x-axis) for untreated and 100 nanomolar Bisphenol A. Figure 3D is a volcano plot titled 100 nanomolar Bisphenol A versus untreated plotting negative log to the base 10 of uppercase p adjusted, ranging from 0 to 5 in unit increments (y-axis) across log to the base 2 of fold change, ranging from negative 5 to 5 (x-axis). Figure 3E is a set of four Genome browser views, each comprising two views, namely, untreated and 100 nanomolar Bisphenol A, ranging from 0 to 18, 0 to 0.5, 0 to 36, and 0 to 3 (y-axis) for expression data for representative genes, up- (T t r and A f p) and downregulated (Lars2 and 1700013H16Rik) in Day 5 double positive/B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 Blimp1-mVenus and stella-E C F P transgenic reporter cells, respectively.

Transcriptome analysis of PGCLCs derived from EpiLCs exposed to BPA. (A) Graphic showing dosing and differentiation strategy followed by cell collection for RNA-seq library generation. Uncolored cells represent Blimp1-; Stella- /DN/nongerm cells; yellow cells represent Blimp1+;Stella-/SP/presumed transitioning germ cells; green cells represent Blimp1+;Stella+/DP/BVSC/d5 PGCLCs. [Illustration in part created with ©BioRender – (, per the Biorender terms and conditions.] (B) Log10-expression level-ranked heatmap of germ cell markers indicated in RNA-seq data generated from d5 aggregate FACS-purified DP/PGCLCs, derived from EpiLCs exposed to control (untreated) or 100 nM BPA. Candidate germ cell marker list taken from Hayashi et al. (Hayashi et al. 2011). (C) PCA of transcriptome of d5 DP/BVSC cells, derived from untreated or 100 nM BPA-exposed EpiLCs. (D) Volcano plot of RNA-seq data displaying gene expression pattern of d5 DP/PGCLCs, derived from untreated or 100 nM BPA-exposed EpiLCs. Significant differentially expressed genes (log2-fold change2, Benjamini-Hochberg–adjusted p0.05) are highlighted in red. (E) Genome browser view of expression data for representative genes, up- (Ttr and Afp) and down-regulated (Lars2 and 1700013H16Rik) in d5 DP/BVSC cells, derived from 100 nM BPA-exposed EpiLCs. Y-axis values are normalized cpm/103. For each locus, top panel represents “Untreated” and bottom panel represents “ 100nM BPA exposed.” For full list of differentially up- and down-regulated genes, see Excel Tables S14 and S15, respectively. Note: βFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; BMP4, bone morphogenetic protein 4; BMP8b, bone morphogenetic protein 8b; BPA, bisphenol A; BVSC, B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 Blimp1-mVenus and stella-ECFP reporter transgenes; cpm, counts per million; DN, double negative; DP, double positive; EGF, epidermal growth factor; embryonic stem cell; EpiLC, epiblast-like cell; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; KSR, knockout serum replacement; LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; PGC, primordial germ cell; PGCLC, PGC-like cell; SCF, stem cell factor.