Chromatin context of FOXC1, RUNX1, CEBPA, and SPI1 binding peaks
(A) MEME-ChIP motif enrichment plots.
(B) Pie charts show genome annotations for the strongest 20% of transcription factor binding peaks.
(C) Exemplar ChIP-seq tracks for chromatin categories.
(D) Pie charts show chromatin categories for strongest 20% of transcription factor binding peaks.
(E) Graphs (upper panels) show mean ChIP signal for H3K27Ac (left) or H3K4Me1 (right) ± 1 kB surrounding the indicated sets of transcription factor binding peaks. Violin plots show distribution, median (thick dotted line), and interquartile range (light dotted lines) for ChIP signal.
(F) As for (E) but for ATAC-seq signal.
FPKM, fragments per kilobase per million mapped reads. See also Figure S3.