miR-206 regulates radiation damage of non-small cell lung cancer cells after radiotherapy. miR-206 inhibitor and sh-CYTOR were transfected into H460R cells for the joint experiments. (A) DNA damage to cells under 4 Gy as tested via a comet assay (longer tailing indicates more severe damage; scale bar, 100 μm). (B) Cell radiation damage detected by a γ-H2AX fluorescence assay (stronger fluorescence indicates more severe radiation damage; scale bar, 100 μm). Values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. Cell experiments were performed as three repeats. *P<0.05. CYTOR, long noncoding RNA cytoskeleton regulator; sh-CYTOR, short hairpin RNA targeting CYTOR; NC, negative control; inhi, inhibitor; miR, microRNA; H460R, H460 cells with radioresistance.