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. 2021 Sep 15;15:697870. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.697870


Summary of ASD classification studies based on fMRI data.

Study Participants Data Features Feature selection Machine learning method Accuracy
Anderson et al. (2011) 40 ASD
40 TC
rs-fMRI data Whole brain FCs between 7,266 ROIs A two-tailed t-test for p < 0.001 Not detailed 79%
Wang et al. (2012) 29 ASD
29 TC
fMRI data with a cognitive control task FCs between 106 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
None Logistic regression 82.8%
Murdaugh et al. (2012) 13 ASD
14 TC
fMRI data with three stimuli experiments Seed-based FCs FCs between 102 regions
(the AAL atlas)
None Logistic regression 96.3%
Nielsen et al. (2013) 447 ASD
517 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Whole brain FCs between 7,266 ROIs None Not detailed 60%
Uddin et al. (2013a) 20 ASD
20 TC
rs-fMRI data Independent components None Logistic regression 83%
Deshpande et al. (2013) 15 ASD
15 TC
fMRI data with ToM task FCs between 18 ROIs Recursive cluster elimination Linear SVM 95.9%
Just et al. (2014) 17 ASD
17 TC
fMRI data with a thinking task Features obtained by factor analyses proposed by the author The FA procedure GNB 97%
Price et al. (2014) 30 ASD
30 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Dynamic FCs from multi-network Self-proposed methods Multi-kernel SVM 90%
Zhou et al. (2014) 127 ASD
153 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Integrated features PCA and MRMR SVM and Bayesian network 70%
Plitt et al. (2015) 59 ASD
59 TC
rs-fMRI data FCs between ROIs from three atlases
(the Destrieux atlas, the DiMartino atlas, and the Power atlas)
RFE The scikit-learn library 76.67%(peak)
Dodero et al. (2015a) 42 ASD
37 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the UCLA data)
FCs between 264 ROIs
(the Power atlas)
None Grass–Kernel based
Manifold Laplacian
Iidaka (2015) 312 ASD
328 TC
rs-fMRI data FCs between 90 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
Threshold Probabilistic neural network 89.4%
Chen et al. (2015) 126 ASD
126 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 220 functionally defined ROIs PSO
Random forest
Chanel et al. (2016) 15 ASD
14 TC
fMRI data with emotional stimuli The beta maps RFE SVM 92.3%
Ghiassian et al. (2016) 538 ASD
573 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Proposed HOG features MRMR MHPC learning algorithm 65%
Kassraian-Fard et al. (2016) 77 ASD
77 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 200 ROIs
(the CC200 atlas)
None SVM 63%
Odriozola et al. (2016) 23 ASD
22 TC
fMRI data with two visual oddball detection tasks Multivariate activation patterns in the dorsal part of the anterior insula None SVM 85%
Abraham et al. (2017) 871 participants rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between ROIs from three atlases
(the HO atlas, the Yeo atlas, and the CC200 atlas)
ICA and MSDL The scikit-learn library 67%
Yahata et al. (2016) 74 ASD
107 TC
rs-fMRI data FCs between 140 ROIs
(the sulci-based anatomical atlas)
L1-SCCA SLR classifier 85%
Dvornek et al. (2017) 539 ASD
573 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
The resting-state fMRI time series None LSTM modela 68.5%
Rane et al. (2017) 539 ASD
573 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
All voxels within the GM mask None the scikit-learn library 62%
Guo et al. (2017) 55 ASD
55 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 116 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
SAEs DNN classifiera 86.36%
Bi et al. (2018) 45 ASD
39 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 90 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
random SVM cluster RBF-SVM 96.15%
Heinsfeld et al. (2018) 505 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Whole brain FC between 7,266 ROIs SAEs DNN classifiera 70%
Aghdam et al. (2018) 116 ASD
69 TC
rs-fMRI and sMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Means of ROIs respectively for rs-fMRI, GM and WM
(the AAL atlas)
None DBN classifiera 65.56%
Zhao et al. (2018) 54 ASD
46 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Multi-level, high-order FCs LASSO multiple linear SVMs 81%
Soussia and Rekik (2018) 155 ASD
186 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
High-Order Morphological Network None SIMLR based pairing + SVM 61.7%
Dekhil et al. (2018) 123 ASD
160 TC
rs-fMRI data PSD PSD with highest correlation with the 34 rs-fMRI atlases RBF-SVM 91%
Bernas et al. (2018) 24 ASD
30 TC
rs-fMRI data 7 resting-state networks Group-ICA poly-SVM 86.7%
Bhaumik et al. (2018) 167 ASD
205 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between Brodmann’s areas ROIs Filter-based test and embedded Elastic Nets Partial least square regression combined with SVM 70%
Kong et al. (2018) 78 ASD
104 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 148 ROIs
(the Destrieux atlas)
F-score DNN classifiera 90.39%
Li et al. (2018) 38 ASD
23 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 90 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
SSAE DTL-NN classifiera 70.4%
Kazeminejad and Sotero (2019) 109 participants
342 participants
190 participants
137 participants
51 participants
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 116 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
A sequential forward floating algorithm Gaussian SVM 86%
Eslami et al. (2019) 505 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 200 ROIs
(the CC200 atlas)
AE A single layer perceptrona 80%
Fredo et al. (2019) 306 ASD
350 TC
(400 participants for each sample)
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 237 ROIs
(the Gordon’s cortical atlas the HO atlas)
Conditional random forest Random forest 62.5%
Niu et al. (2020) 408 ASD
401 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between ROIs from three atlases separately
(the AAL atlas, the HO atlas and the CC200 atlas)
None The proposed multichannel DANN 73.2%
Liu Y. et al. (2020) 506 ASD
548 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 200 ROIs
(the CC200 atlas)
Extra-tree Linear-SVM 72.2%
Sherkatghanad et al. (2020) 505 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 392 ROIs
(the CC400 atlas)
None CNN classifiera 70.22%
Thomas et al. (2020) 620 ASD
542 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
Nine summary measures None 3D CNN classifiera 64%
Tang et al. (2020) 505 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 116 ROIs fMRI × ROI connectivity
(the AAL atlas)
None DNN classifiera 74%
Zhao et al. (2020) 45 ASD
47 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs, Lo-D-FCs and Ho-D-FCs between 116 ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
A two-sample t-test and LASSO Linear-SVM 83%
Huang et al. (2020) 505 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 200 ROIs
(the CC200 atlas)
Graph-based feature-selection method DBN classifiera 76.4%
Liu Y. et al. (2020) 403 ASD
468 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
D-FCs between ROIs
(the AAL atlas)
MTFS-EM Multi-kernel SVM 76.8%
Kazeminejad and Sotero (2020) 493 ASD
530 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FCs between 200 ROIs
(the CC200 atlas)
PCA A multilayer perceptrona 64.4%
Yin et al. (2021) 403 ASD
468 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
FC between 264 ROIs
(the Power atlas)
An AE-based feature selection method DNN classifiera 79.2%
Yang et al. (2021) 79 ASD
105 TC
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset)
8 brain functional networks from group-ICA Dual regression 3D CNN classifiera 77.74%
Reiter et al. (2021) 306 ASD
350 TC
(400 participants for each sample)
rs-fMRI data
(the ABIDE dataset and data sample from SDSU)
FC between 237 ROIs
(the Gordon atlas the HO atlas)
Conditional random forest Random Forest 62.5%

aMachine learning methods that are deep learning methods.

Abbreviations: ASD, autism spectrum disorder; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; rs-fMRI, resting state fMRI; TC, typical control; FC, functional connectivity; ROI, region of interest; AAL, Automated Anatomical Labeling; ABIDE, Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange; ToM, Theory of Mind; SVM, support vector machine; FA, factor analysis; GNB, Gaussian naïve Bayes; PCA, principal component analysis; RFE, recursive feature elimination; MRMR, maximal relevance and minimal redundancy; UCLA, University of California at Los Angeles; PSO, particle swarm optimization; HOG, histogram of oriented gradients; ICA, independent component analysis; MSDL, multi-subject dictionary learning; L1-SCCA, the L1-norm regularized sparse canonical correlation analysis; SAEs, sparse auto-encoders; SLR, Structured Logistic Regression; LSTM, long short-term memory; DNN, deep neural network; DBN, deep belief network; RBF-SVM, radial basis function-support vector machine; GM, gray matter; WM, white matter; LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selector operation; SSAE, a stacked sparse auto-encoder; SIMLR, Single-cell Interpretation via Multi-kernel LeaRning; PSD, Power spectral densities; DTL-NN, deep transfer learning neural network; AE, autoencoders; HO, Harvard Oxford; DANN, deep attention neural network; CNN, convolutional neural network; Lo-D-FCs, low-order dynamic functional connectivity networks; Ho-D-FCs, high-order dynamic functional connectivity networks; MTFS-EM, an improved multi-task feature selection method integrating elastic net and manifold regularization; SDSU, San Diego State University.