(A) Segmentation of the cingulate cortex based on the Brainnetome Atlas into 7 subregions. (B) For cingulate regions and imaging sessions showing significant history of concussion (HOC) effects on cerebral blood flow (CBF) during concussion recovery, standardized effects are shown as bootstrap ratios (BSRs). (C) Distribution of concussed athlete CBF values averaged over subregions showing significant effects at subacute injury (SUB), as denoted by double asterisks. (D) Distribution of concussed athlete CBF values for the subregion showing significant effects at 1 year after return to play (RTP), as denoted by double asterisks. For distribution plots, concussed athletes without and with HOC are plotted separately. Horizontal red/blue lines denote group means, and boxes indicate 95% confidence intervals of the mean. Distribution means are connected between sessions by solid red/blue lines, and the mean CBF values for controls without and with HOC are plotted as black and gray horizontal dashed lines, respectively. ACU = acute phase of injury.