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. 2021 Sep 15;12:680146. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.680146

Table 2.

Clinical presentation of genetic SNM1C/Artemis mutation in human.

Mutation SNM1C/Artemis Immune deficit Clinical manifestations Population Ref
Deletion (exons 1–4, C279T; Genomic Deletion (exons 5–6) B and T cell deficit Early onset of severe infection Athabascan-speaking, Navajo and Apache Native Americans (47, 50)
Exon 11 splice donor (G→C); C279T Severe oral and genital ulcer Very high incidence: 1:2000
Exon 10 splice donor (G→A)
Exon 5 splice donor (G→T)
Deletion (exons 1–4)
Del G818
Deletion (exons 5–8)
Heterozygous and homozygous mutation (genomic exon 3 deletion; 2-nt insertion between T1205 and G1206) Hypogammaglobulinemia Otitis/diarrhea/stomatitis 2 & 3 months (51)
Deletion exons 10, 11, and 12 B-cell differenciation arrest Pneumocystis, CMV, VZV 1 day to 5 months (52)
G>T mutation at position 47 in exon 5
G>T mutation at position 47 in exon 5 homozygous G>A mutation at position 42 in exon 6
Hypomorphic mutation (unprecised) B and T cell lymphopenia and hypogammaglobulinemia EBV associated disseminated B-cell lymphoma NA (53)
Hypomorphic DCLRE1C mutation Antibody deficiency very low B-cell numbers and serum IgA levels Recurrent respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, mycobacterial skin infection, otitis media, severe varicella, verruca vulgaris, aphtous stomatitis, granulomatous skin lesions, Hashimito thyroiditis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis 2-10 years (54)
Hypomorphic DCLRE1C mutation Chronic lymphopenia Chronic ulcerating intestinal inflammation 6 years (43)
Deletion in exon 14; c.1464delG; p.Gln488Fs Hyper IgM syndrome, low IgG and IgA Diarrhea, CMV, sclerosing cholangitis 6 & 5 year old (55)
Large granular lymphocytic leukemia, death
Homologous deletion of the gene 3 of SNM1C/Artemis, DCLRE1C NA Pneumocystis 5 months (56)
Mutation (c. 194C > T and c. 194C > T) Poor antibody response Chronic post vaccinal rubella virus infection (granulomatous dermatitis) 13 years (57)

CMV, cytomegalovirus, VZV, varicella zooster virus, EBV, Epstein Barr virus, Ig, immunoglobulin; DCLRE1C, DNA, cross-link repair 1C.